
Review – Asia’s New Battlefield

Laura Southgate • Mar 26 2016 • Features

A comprehensive analysis of the current battle for primacy in the Western Pacific which would be of benefit to students, academics, policy-makers and the general public.

The Maywand District Murders: Violence, Vulnerability and Desecrating the Body

Thomas Gregory • Mar 8 2016 • Articles

The extraordinary level of pain and suffering that was inflicted on the body of Gul Mudin and others speaks to the peculiar relationship between violence and the body.

Killing by Remote Control: Western Countries Relying on Technology in the Military

Alex Harris • Mar 7 2016 • Essays

The growing reliance on drones highlights the Western requirement for precision, accountability, and a reduction in collateral damage

The Significance of the ‘Human Security’ Paradigm in International Politics

Aydar Gazizullin • Feb 29 2016 • Essays

The topic of human security is multifaceted and demands caution when analysed in different contexts.

Interview – Emmanuel R. Goffi

E-International Relations • Feb 21 2016 • Features

Emmaneul Goffi discusses the impact drones are having on modern warfare, the centrality of a constructivist perspective to his work, and the myth of ‘supreme sacrifice’.

Posthuman Security: Reflections from an Open-ended Conversation

Audra Mitchell • Jan 25 2016 • Articles

The discussion of ‘posthuman security’ places both of its key terms in constant question, and stubbornly refuses closure into any particular vision of either.

European Response to Security Threats: Limitations and An Alternative

Mohamed Charfi • Jan 16 2016 • Articles

Hard-line security actions could be necessary to reassure the public and to prevent further strikes. However, they have proven their limits in the very recent past.

Ecological Security

Matt McDonald • Nov 28 2015 • Articles

The profound nature of the challenge posed by climate change arguably compels us to think in new ways about what security means and how it might be realized.

India’s Complex Security Environment & the Need for International Partnerships

Satgin Hamrah • Nov 21 2015 • Articles

India needs to develop and implement effective strategies and tactics that address its diverse security environment in a multi-pronged and multi-layered manner.

Larval Terror and the Digital Darkside

Nandita Biswas Mellamphy • Nov 14 2015 • Articles

When war becomes larval, it becomes pervasive and perpetual; the need for fear, for threats, for insecurity also become circulated within the spheres of everyday life.

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