
GPS: Geopolitics and Security – Critical Perspectives From Royal Holloway

The GPS Contributors • Oct 16 2012 • Articles

e-IR’s latest blog will feature contributors from Royal Holloway who will offer a new distinctive perspective on geopolitical and security research and analysis.

Review – The European Union in the Security of Europe

Nicola Chelotti • Oct 15 2012 • Features

Marsh and Rees’ book is a welcome contribution to the literature – empirically rich, insightful and compelling – recommended reading for any EU foreign policy student.

UNSCR 1325 in Northern Ireland: Opportunities, Challenges and Complexities

Melanie Hoewer • Oct 2 2012 • Articles

The unique positioning of Northern Ireland brings to light both the challenges and the innovation potential arising out of implementation processes of UNSCR 1325 at the official state and the community levels.

Senegal 2012 and Beyond: Economic and Political Challenges

Felwine Sarr • Sep 26 2012 • Articles

Senegal’s new president Macy Sall and his government face multiple challenges both in terms of domestic economic and institutional development and regional political stability.

Review – Security, Risk and the Biometric State

Katja Lindskov Jacobsen • Sep 24 2012 • Features

Following the events of 9/11, biometrics has received considerable attention. Muller makes an important contribution to the debate and raises new questions to consider within the security discourse.

Human Rights and State Security: The Conflicting Features of International Migration

Jalil Abdallah • Sep 19 2012 • Articles

Irregular migration is a difficult test of the constructive interaction between two fixtures of modern political dialogue: the protection of individual human rights and the obligation of state’s to maintain security for their citizens.

Review – Nuclear Energy and Global Governance

Alvin Almendrala Camba • Sep 4 2012 • Features

Trevor Findlay’s Nuclear Energy and Global Governance is a very well-researched manuscript that deals with the drivers and the constraints of a possible global nuclear energy revival.

Will the U.S. be Overtaken by China In Space?

Bertrand de Montluc • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Will Chinese taikonauts land on the moon in 2020? Given such broad Chinese efforts in developing space technology, China could surpass the US in the coming decade.

Review – Border Walls

Karthika Sasikumar • Aug 1 2012 • Features

With imagination and erudition, Jones investigates the fundamental tensions between democratic ideals and the brute realities of the enforcement of state power on the ground.

How Far is China from the European Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities?

Jinyuan Su • Jul 30 2012 • Articles

The primary hurdle for China to subscribe to the European Code of Conduct for Space Activities is the biased substantive obligations and finding the most appropriate forum to negotiate.

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