
London 2012, Terrorism and the Militarization of the City

Rhys Crilley • Jul 27 2012 • Articles

The ways in which security has been approached and implemented by the organisers of London 2012 reflects an ongoing militarization of cities which is worrying.

U.S. Sanctions and the Nuclear Endgame in Iran

Kelsey Davenport • Jul 24 2012 • Articles

The new sanctions on Iran are having a greater impact than prior efforts. To halt Iran’s enrichment, the U.S. and the P5+1 must now offer sanctions relief in return for nuclear concessions.

Regional Voluntarism: The Sustainability of Nigerian Afrocentrism

Jonathan Ajere • Jul 19 2012 • Articles

Sustainable commitments to African security and development from Nigeria as well as achievement of its national interest are not incompatible.

CSTO Minus One: Collective Security in Central Asia After Uzbekistan’s CSTO Withdrawal

Farkhod Tolipov • Jul 16 2012 • Articles

Uzbekistan’s decision to suspend its CSTO membership reflects the changing geostrategic landscape of Central Asia. It should also lead the region to reflect on its current collective security arrangements.

Advancing an International Space Code of Conduct

Jana Robinson • Jul 13 2012 • Articles

There is no side-stepping the need to hold both state and non-state actors accountable for their behaviour in space. Transparency and confidence building measures are the key practical tools for a successful framework.

Factors Fuelling China’s Expanding Maritime Operations

Chietigj Bajpaee • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

China’s traditional inward-looking nature is gradually giving way to a more expansive maritime presence, as demonstrated in both Beijing’s rhetoric and actions. Despite myriad regional maritime disputes, naval cooperation in the Asia-Pacific remains both possible and desirable.

Flying Blind: Why Armed Drones May Detract from Turkish Security

Aaron Stein • Jun 27 2012 • Articles

Turkey is actively seeking to procure armed unmanned drone aircraft to combat its Kurdish insurgency. This strategy carries profound risks.

Space Diplomacy and an International Code of Conduct

Michael Krepon • Jun 21 2012 • Articles

Existing space warfare capabilities make a Code of Conduct essential to affirm responsible behavior and to facilitate appropriate responses if states act irresponsibly. With one Cold War receding in the rear-view mirror, it makes little sense to invite a new one.

Seeing Gender in International Security

Laura Sjoberg • Jun 5 2012 • Articles

Gender is not the only lens, idea, concept, or ‘variable’ that one needs to explain security. But, security cannot be fully defined, understood, or obtained without the aid of feminist theorizing.

Radical Islamist Activity in Central Asia is Going Nowhere Soon

Ahmet Tolga Turker • Jun 1 2012 • Articles

Current events suggest that the trajectory of religious extremism in Central Asia is likely to persist. Policies of repression and the exclusion of Islamic groups from legitimate governmental procedures will continue to cause them to seek out different ways to express their grievances.

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