Social Movements

Review – Through the Darkest of Times

Jane Kirkpatrick • Jul 20 2024 • Features

This emotive and thought-provoking videogame successfully recognises the complexities and significance of lesser-known efforts to resist the Nazi regime within Germany.

Opinion – How Iranian Women Are Charting the Course for Freedom

Ahou Koutchesfahani • Nov 25 2022 • Articles

We are witnessing an ongoing feminist revolution, in which Mahsa Jina Amini’s tragic death will be forever remembered as its spark. For woman, for life, for freedom.

Interview – Colin Beck

E-International Relations • Jun 17 2022 • Features

Colin Beck talks about his work on revolutions, and the role of political violence in social movements.

Opinion – Protest, Interrupted? Climate Activism During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Luis Hestres • Aug 4 2020 • Articles

Covid-19’s impact on climate activism is obvious. How can climate activists execute a mass mobilization-based strategy in a social distancing context?

Interview – Anne-Kathrin Kreft

E-International Relations • Nov 29 2019 • Features

Anne-Kathrin Kreft talks about the discourse and perceptions around conflict-related sexual violence and reflects on the affects of sensitive fieldwork on researchers.

Interview – Sara Salem

E-International Relations • Jun 24 2019 • Features

Sara Salem explores postcolonial, Marxist and feminist theory, the Egyptian feminist movement, transnational solidarity and the radical roots of intersectionality.

10th Anniversary Interview – Stephen Hopgood

E-International Relations • Dec 4 2017 • Features

To celebrate E-IR’s 10th anniversary we asked some of our existing interviewees two further questions reflecting on the last decade in International Relations.

Interview – Mary Kaldor

E-International Relations • Jul 21 2017 • Features

Prof. Kaldor explains new wars, discusses the conflict in Syria and the role of civil society, her approach to human security, and subterranean politics in Europe.

Can Social Media Help Develop Politically Active Global Communities?

Britta Baumgarten • May 16 2017 • Articles

Social media provides new forms of, and tools for, activism but its potential to build a global community of politically active citizens should not be overestimated.

Political Contestation and the Problem of Bordered Thinking

Jonathon Whooley • Nov 3 2016 • Articles

Regionalization, internationalization and context have blinded us to the impact of larger social movements in contemporary politics.

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