Soft Power

When Soft Power Turns Hard: Miss World, Coercion and China’s Cultural Diplomacy

Caylan Ford • Mar 3 2016 • Articles

Soft power projects such as a beauty contest in Sanya, are rarely political at first, but politics finds ways to intrude into even the most innocuous of things.

Interview – Joseph Nye

E-International Relations • Nov 25 2015 • Features

Prof. Nye discusses the waning idea of the American Century, the role of China, India and Russia and the diffusion of power in world politics in the 21st century.

Bhutan’s International Presence and the 2018 World Cup Qualifiers

Sarina Theys • Mar 30 2015 • Articles

Bhutan’s recent upset victory over Sri Lanka in the 2018 World Cup qualifiers should be seen as an apt analogy for Bhutan’s wider presence in the international community.

Qatar: A First-Hand Account of Soft Power

Doha limits its soft power by lacking infrastructure, injecting too much modernity into cultural sites, or by drawing too heavily on foreign nations.

Qatar’s Soft Power Gamble: The FIFA World Cup 2022

Paul Michael Brannagan and Jonathan Grix • Jan 18 2014 • Articles

In terms of soft power, Qatar’s two principle motives in hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2022 are distancing Qatar from the Middle East and putting Qatar on the international map.

The Pillars of Qatar’s International Sport Strategy

Mahfoud Amara • Nov 29 2013 • Articles

Qatar has invested in its international brand by hosting major sporting events, developing elite programs and engaging in ‘sport diplomacy’. The result has been a mix of successes and challenges.

The Diplomacy of the Holy See in the Modern Era

Francis Rooney • Sep 9 2013 • Articles

The Holy See, lacking a territorial agenda, plays a unique role around the world today, and its diplomacy remains as relevant to humanity in the 21st century as it has been in the past.

On Indian Public Diplomacy

Ritambhara • Apr 30 2013 • Articles

First used by the USA to make its war aims known globally during World War One, public diplomacy is a relatively new strategy. In recent years it has become an instrument of India’s foreign policy arsenal.

Chinese Soft Power 2.0: The Politics of Fashion

Michael Barr • Apr 10 2013 • Articles

Chinese soft power must be understood in light of China’s domestic politics as much as its international standing. The case of Peng Liuyan – better known as China’s First Lady – shows that this remains as true as ever.

Russian Soft Power Under Construction

Oleg Shakirov • Feb 14 2013 • Articles

Prospects for a fully-fledged, globally-oriented Russian soft power strategy are promising. But this change of attitude seems to be coming from the top down.

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