South China Sea

China in Transition: From a Harmonious World to a Contested Region

Jingdong Yuan • Jul 5 2012 • Articles

China’s new leadership will inherit a complex, and highly contested security environment from Sino-US relations to territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Omens for the Shangri-La Dialogue

Christian Le Mière • May 31 2012 • Articles

The focus on the South China Sea at the Shangri-La Dialogue will be a welcome addition to the diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict. But it will take many more years of concerted diplomacy to settle this thorny issue.

Beyond the Scarborough Scare: Joint Resource Management in the South China Sea

David Rosenberg • May 1 2012 • Articles

Tensions in the South China Sea have been rising in recent years. Without a joint resource management regime for the Scarborough Shoal, there will be an increased risk of another confrontation leading to armed conflict.

The China-Philippines Face Off at Scarborough Shoal: Back to Square One?

Carlyle Thayer • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

The current standoff in the South China Sea between the Philippines and China threatens to raise tensions to new heights.

Between Austerity and Viability: The Search for Future Air Combat Platforms in East Asia

Christopher Whyte • Oct 12 2011 • Articles

Recent years have seen the intensification of political tensions between various states in the Pacific and East Asia. The rise of China as a military and economic power has necessarily triggered concern in the region, causing nations to reexamine their air-power procurement and development plans.

Harsh Realities, Alliances, and Strategic Ambiguity: US Policy Choices in East Asia

Harry Kazianis • Sep 23 2011 • Articles

Recent developments in the South China Sea and China’s emphasis on the modernization of its military raise important issues for the future of U.S. strategic manoeuvring in the region. What can be done to sustain future U.S. presence in Asia while tactfully maintaining a favourable position for its interests and the stability in the region?

Chinese Submarines and U.S. Anti-Submarine Warfare Capabilities

Eleni Ekmektsioglou and Matthew Hallex • Aug 27 2011 • Articles

China’s military modernization has been a source of great concern for the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific region. Submarines, unsurprisingly, can be expected to play a significant role in Chinese asymmetric A2/AD strategies.The United States must invest to maintain the superiority of its undersea forces and to relearn and redevelop the core ASW capabilities it lost following the end of the Cold War.

South China Sea – Old Worries on The Rise

Tilman Pradt • Aug 26 2011 • Articles

The territorial disputes concerning the Spratly and Paracel Islands and adjacent waters are still unresolved. Recently, incidents between Vietnamese seismic survey ships and Chinese coast patrols are a reminder of the conflict potential these border disputes inherit. After a phase of relative easiness among the claimants to the South China Sea islands, these newly heightened tensions cause rising worries in the region and abroad.

Diplomacy in the South China Sea

Sheldon W. Simon • Aug 12 2011 • Articles

Washington’s emphasis on multilateral diplomacy underlines the point that ASEAN as a whole as well as other states have significant interests in the Sea that go beyond the territorial disputes between five states and China.

The Potential for Sino-US Conflict in the South China Sea

John Hemmings • Mar 21 2011 • Articles

Arguably, the most significant fact in international relations at the beginning of the 21st Century is the gradual emergence of China as a regional and global power, and the relative decline of what can be loosely termed the ‘status quo powers’ and their most powerful member, the US. A number of mini-crises in the South China Sea this year, are sparking concern about China’s rise and the potential for Sino-US conflict.

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