South Sudan

Reflections on the New Republic of South Sudan

John Ashworth • May 15 2012 • Articles

While South Sudan is clearly facing great problems and even grave danger at the moment, there is still room for optimism. The people are resilient and determined, they are proud of their new nation, and they have a remarkable capacity for hope.

Sudan and South Sudan Still Suffering the Consequences of Divorce

Peter Run • Apr 2 2012 • Articles

Less than a year following the break up of Sudan into two sovereign republics, it is ticking all the boxes of a bitter and nasty dissolution of marriage.

Dealing with Inter-Communal Violence in South Sudan

Conflict is not inevitable in South Sudan. All of the issues present in Jonglei can be addressed through enlightened government policies. While still young, the RSS may draw from lessons learned throughout the region.

Revising Our Strategic Outlook in the Two Sudans

Daniel Solomon • Sep 15 2011 • Articles

In the months since South Sudan’s declaration of independence from Sudan, the international community’s gaze has regrettably shifted from ongoing instability in the two Sudans. As has become imminently clear in the short post-independence period, a path toward comprehensive conflict resolution within and between the two Sudans will necessitate a profound shift in policy priorities, approaches, and partnerships.

Darfur and South Sudan: United in Struggle, Divided by Future?

Hagar Taha • Sep 9 2011 • Articles

There is an urge now, on a social as well as political level, to settle the Darfur question lest it eventually goes down the same route as the South. But the question here is whether Darfur can actually be compared at all with the South; is separation even an option for ending the conflict?

Premature Adulation in Sudan

Rebecca Tinsley • Aug 16 2011 • Articles

On July 9th diplomats celebrated the birth of Africa’s newest country, South Sudan, like over-stimulated toddlers at a party. The media followed suit, with trivial and sometimes patronising stories about the new national anthem and flag, and the admittedly strange plan to create cities in the shapes of African animals. Sadly, those involved should have focused on the agenda items they failed to address before sending out the independence day invitations.

Understanding the Implications of South Sudan’s Independence

Harry Verhoeven • Jul 13 2011 • Articles

Doubt and bitterness prevail amongst many non-Southern Sudanese on the eve of independence, but history is not destiny. The question is no longer whether secession should have happened or not; it is how the marginalised people of North and South can finally get on with their lives, instead of being sucked into open wars and micro-conflicts.

South Sudan: Not in the clear yet

Sarah Washburne • Mar 13 2011 • Articles

In January 2011 the South Sudanese voted overwhelmingly for independence from Sudan. Over 98% of registered voters chose separation over unity. Much of the Western media has portrayed this vote as an indicator of a successful end to decades of conflict in the South. When South Sudan celebrates its independence, expected to take place in July 2011, the mood will indeed be jovial. But South Sudan is setting up to be a failed state.

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