
Border Thinking and the Experiential Epistemologies of International Relations

Marc Woons and Sebastian Weier • Jun 2 2017 • Articles

Borders cannot be understood separate from the bodies they affect and form. The geopolitics of knowledge cannot be separated from the experience of borders.

Interview – Walter D. Mignolo

E-International Relations • Jun 1 2017 • Features

Professor Walter D. Mignolo discusses the geo- and body-political dimensions of knowledge as the energy fuelling border thinking and decoloniality.

Edited Collection – Critical Epistemologies of Global Politics

E-International Relations • Jun 1 2017 • Features

This book offers an enriched vision of borders, both analytically and politically, that not only seeks to understand but also to reshape and expand the meanings and consequences of IR.

The Global Reconstitution of Borders: A Five-part Symposium

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • May 21 2017 • Articles

Borders both constitute and personify political communities, simultaneously symbolizing their cohesiveness and embodying their separateness from (and fear of) ‘others’.

The Doctor and the Cure: The Crisis of Sovereignty in the Twenty-first Century

Manu Bhagavan • Feb 24 2017 • Articles

Contemporary populists are looking backwards, hoping to fix our problems by drawing from a medical toolkit from a previous century.

Symposium – Does Brexit Herald a Re-assertion of the European Nation-state?

Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni • Feb 20 2017 • Articles

The nation-state is back. Yet, the apparent resurgence of European nation-states is about more than the practical failings of the EU or its perceived democratic deficit.

The Making of the Modern World

Erik Ringmar • Dec 26 2016 • Articles

International politics, for good and for bad, was shaped by Europeans and by non-Europeans copying European examples.

Review – Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics

Adrian Budd • Apr 23 2016 • Features

Focusing on tensions between economic transnationalization and the persistence of inter-state rivalry, Woodley poses challenging questions for all perspectives in IR.

Dressing the Sovereign: Fashion as a Symbolic Form of Sovereignty

Andreas Behnke • Feb 4 2016 • Articles

Rather than a ‘mask’ for a decapitated sovereign, fashion diplomacy provides a sartorial symbolic form for this sovereignty, making it visible and appreciable.

From Sovereignty to War: Foucault’s Analytic of Power

Verena Erlenbusch • Dec 12 2015 • Articles

Foucault’s work draws our attention to the fact that in an age characterized by mechanisms of exclusion of those who threaten the human race that war, not sovereignty, is political strategy.

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