Soviet Union

Movie Review – ‘Hail, Caesar!’ and the Red Menace

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Mar 23 2016 • Features

‘Hail, Caesar!”s major contribution to the IR field is to remind us that the current tensions between the two global powers are nothing new.

Review – The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Aug 28 2015 • Features

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. provides an opportunity for IR scholars to experience a fictionalized account of global security cooperation during the 1960s in this new movie.

Democracy in Cuba

George Lambie • Aug 14 2013 • Articles

As the global financial crisis deepens, Cuba’s socialist experiment and its attempts to give democracy a participative social orientation may gain a global relevance in this age of uncertainty.

Review – Energy Dependency and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union

Stephen Fortescue • Mar 25 2013 • Features

Margarita M. Balmaceda’s important book shows Ukraine’s struggle to free itself from Russia influence whilst highlighting that the benefits of energy dependency do not flow only to the hegemonic side.

Regulatory Regionalism? Russia’s Common Economic Space

Alvin Almendrala Camba • May 30 2012 • Articles

Russia has a role to play as the regional leader of the Eurasian Union, and perhaps of the former Soviet space. Putin pragmatically recognises the importance of the Soviet Union’s legacy.

Tick tock: It is 6 minutes to midnight.

Angeliki Mitropoulou • Jan 28 2011 • Articles

On 14 January 2010, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists adjusted the Doomsday Clock from 5 to 6 minutes from midnight in order to encourage progress seen around the globe in two key areas: nuclear weapons and climate change. Their decision was based on the perceived existence of a more hopeful state of world affairs. The clock had been adjusted 18 times since its initial start at seven minutes to midnight

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