
Review – Spain

Koldo Casla • May 24 2024 • Features

Michael Reid provides a comprehensive political history of Spain, but the foundations of his critiques of Spain’s multiple separatist movements raises questions.

Ceuta and Melilla: Pioneers of Post-Cold War Border Fortification

Jaume Castan Pinos • Feb 28 2022 • Articles

Old border fortresses serve as pretexts and inspirations for new walls and fences and remind us that we live in a world of borders rather than in a borderless world.

Cuban Nationalism and the Spanish-American War

Sarah Clifford and Scott N Romaniuk • Dec 28 2020 • Articles

The war was crucial on a national level for the Cubans, Americans, and Spanish, as well as on a global level as it changed the relationships and power structures that had previously existed.

Opinion – Spain’s Request For NATO Coronavirus Aid: Will Turkey Answer?

Kareem Salem • Mar 30 2020 • Articles

Ankara has very little room for manoeuvre to support the Turkish economy, let alone give aid to Spain, given that Turkey has limited financial reserves and a large budget deficit.

Exhuming Norms: Comparing Investigations of Forced Disappearances

Tamara Hinan • Oct 24 2018 • Articles

The norm theories from International Relations fail to account for the differences in interpretation and implementation of the norms surrounding forced disappearance.

The 2018 Women’s Strike in Spain: An Ongoing Struggle against Gender Oppression

Tayrine Dias • May 4 2018 • Articles

Although successful, the women’s strike in Spain and in Barcelona was a contentious process that opened crucial debates towards a more inclusive society.

Catalonian Referendum: Democracy, Legality and the EU’s Role

Yanina Welp • Nov 20 2017 • Articles

The Catalan elections are unlikely to resolve the conflict in Spain. But they should open room for dialogue as there is no other option that could restore legitimacy.

Catalonia: From Secessionism to Secession?

Marc Sanjaume-Calvet • Jan 15 2016 • Articles

Secessionists consider unilateral actions as a possibility, but the costs of a non-negotiated break-up, without a Spanish recognition, would be high in the EU context.

Inching towards Independence? The Game of Cat and Mouse between Catalonia and Spain

Glen Duerr • Dec 6 2015 • Articles

Will Catalonia become an independent state, despite Madrid’s insistence that the territorial integrity of Spain is nonnegotiable?

Review – Endgame for ETA: Elusive Peace in the Basque Country

Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet • Sep 12 2014 • Features

Whitfield does a great job introducing a key contemporary conflict. Important themes, however, are buried under her otherwise excellent historical analysis.

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