The consequence of homocolonialism can obstruct the radical queer politics that have challenged the oppressive forces of the gendered and heterosexed nation-state.
India and China are locked in a great power clash over the Himalaya. And yet, IR’s failure to go beyond a state-centric view of the story may likely lead to a catastrophic ending.
The NGO research community should resist attempts by the still-state-centric International Relations subfield to caricature the complex dynamics of NGO-state relations.
The UN, created to uphold the sovereignty of states, has become a vehicle for Indigenous peoples to organise in favour of their rights.
Naylor’s framework analyses how state and non-state actors compete for status within international society by focusing on social division, stratification and closure.
Weak states are problematic because their internal politics are often violent, and their domestic insecurity often spills over to disrupt the security of neighbouring states.
Resistant political performance must be reconsidered given populist post-truth politics. The relevance of shared truths and authenticity of others is now questioned.
The state is an arbitrary reference point in a dynamic Earth system. The Earth can no longer be ignored as a given in at the ontological level of international relations.
Stephen Paul Haigh’s claims for the resilience of the modern state in a global system rendered neo-medieval in form by globalization are bold – yet supported by a solid engagement with extant literature.
Designating and even vilifying actors with the label of ‘terrorist’ is a highly subjective matter. So how do we address the issue of negotiating with ‘terrorists’ without drowning in a quagmire of subjectivity?
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