
Sudan’s President Bashir Was Almost Arrested and We Thought of You

Kimberly Hollingsworth • Mar 4 2016 • Articles

If we are ever going to actually end genocide, we need to intervene while it’s happening, not apologize or regret our lack of action years later, after it ends.

Remembering Darfur: The World’s Longest Running Genocide

Mukesh Kapila • Jan 27 2016 • Articles

Lack of personal responsibility is why we failed on Darfur, and the continuing lack of accountability is why we are likely to fail again elsewhere

To what Extent Have Politics Restricted the ICC’s Effectiveness?

Domenico Carofiglio • Dec 20 2015 • Essays

The ICC is neither merely a political tool of the international community nor solely an independent legal body. Politics and law indeed come together within the ICC.

Generous Hearts and Stubborn Minds

Mukesh Kapila • Nov 10 2014 • Articles

The military might of Sudan regime would not prevail as long as the women of Nuba have the generosity to share their last gourd of beer with a stranger in distress.

The Princess of No Man’s Land: Bir Tawil and the Geographical Imagination

Alasdair Pinkerton • Jul 18 2014 • Articles

No Man’s Lands are rarely empty. They are spaces that are occupied, utilized and stewarded, and layered with geographical, historical and narrative complexities.

South Sudan in Turmoil: The Risk of a Congo-like Regional Crisis

Kalewongel Minale • Jul 16 2014 • Articles

The stakes in the South Sudanese conflict are high. The peace process needs to be revitalized and rigorously pursued to bring a lasting settlement to the conflict.

South Sudan: Struggling to Stay Alive

Mukesh Kapila • May 24 2014 • Articles

The Republic of South Sudan is fighting to survive. The crisis in the world’s newest nation is essentially a problem of governance, not a natural disaster.

Review – South Sudan: From Revolution to Independence

Scopas S. Poggo • Dec 3 2012 • Features

LeRiche and Arnold, despite certain shortcomings, offer a significant contribution to the study of wars and conflicts in the Sudan in particular, and Africa at large.

South Sudan a Year On: Statehood in Perspective

Hagar Taha • Jul 6 2012 • Articles

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the South Sudanese state’s creation, the country is still plagued with many of the issues it has faced for decades. Indeed, it’s only because we have inflated expectations of states that we believed it would be any different.

Responses to Intercommunal Violence in Jonglei State

Diana Felix da Costa • Jun 18 2012 • Articles

There is a need for greater in-depth research into local perceptions and understandings of violence, which must underpin any external support to short and long-term reconciliation.

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