
Revisiting ‘Responsibility to Protect’ after Libya and Syria

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Mar 8 2014 • Articles

R2P contains glaring theoretical drawbacks and its practice by Western powers creates the scope for a mix up of humanitarian concerns with their strategic interests.

Syria and the Dawn of a New Era

Aidan Hehir • Feb 23 2014 • Articles

The Syrian crisis marks the beginning of a new era of multi-polarity; one which will be characterised by the spectacle of divisive and competitive power politics.

Rationality and R2P: Unfriendly Bedfellows

Robert W. Murray • Feb 22 2014 • Articles

The largest obstacles to consistent implementation and enforcement of R2P remain its flawed epistemological foundations and the enduring nature of the international system.

Gateways to Peace in Syria: Going Beyond Geneva II

Hilal Khashan • Feb 18 2014 • Articles

When negotiations between the US, Russia and Iran grow best in the dark, as they are bound to, Assad will realise that he is an expendable pawn in the game of nations.

Syria and the Crisis of Humanitarian Intervention

Michael Aaronson • Feb 11 2014 • Articles

The human suffering in the Syrian crisis since February 2011 is, above all, a tragedy for the Syrian people, but also demonstrably a crisis of international intervention.

R2P in Syria: Regional Dimensions

David Carment and Joe Landry • Feb 8 2014 • Articles

Regional dynamics have played a critical role in the response to the civil war in Syria. They will continue to dominate attempts to move forward with a political solution.

Syria Teaches Us Little About Questions of Military Intervention

Luke Glanville • Feb 7 2014 • Articles

To some, the international response to the Syrian crisis has meant the end of the R2P. But the lack of intervention in Syria teaches us little about the intervention norm.

Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

Ramesh Thakur • Feb 4 2014 • Articles

Syria has thrown up challenges, but not thrown out the R2P. There is an interest in clarifying the norm to prevent misuse but no demand to rescind the norm.

Interview – Noam Chomsky

E-International Relations • Feb 3 2014 • Features

In this interview, Professor Noam Chomsky discusses the recent passing of Nelson Mandela, Iran, Israel-Palestine, the Syrian crisis, and his recent debate with Zizek.

Syria: Par for the Course

Daniel Serwer • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

When all else fails, an agreement to meet again is trumpeted as success. If the talks fail, they should do so in a way that leaves open the possibility of reconvening.

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