
After Syria, Whither R2P?

Thomas G. Weiss and Giovanna Kuele • Feb 2 2014 • Articles

The response to the Syria crisis shames the international community. But it does not mean that we have heard the death knell of the responsibility to protect.

Winners and Losers in the Syrian Civil War

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Jan 30 2014 • Articles

The Syrian civil war has shaken up the political and strategic environment of the Middle East region, with all outcomes likely to bring political and economic uncertainties.

The Case for Criteria: Moving R2P Forward after the Arab Spring

James Pattison • Jan 29 2014 • Articles

Criteria exist for intervention in R2P, but what is needed is a more explicit acceptance of those criteria and an interpretation of them that is most morally judicious.

The Consequences of Syria: Does the Responsibility to Protect Have a Future?

Gareth Evans • Jan 27 2014 • Articles

Though the failure of the international community to prevent and alleviate suffering in Syria is lamentable, it is too early to despair over the future of the R2P.

Edited Collection – R2P, Syria and Humanitarianism in Crisis

E-International Relations • Jan 20 2014 • Features

A free edited volume bringing together the leading voices on R2P & humanitarian intervention to examine the doctrine’s validity in the context of Syria’s humanitarian emergency.

Sustainable Power is Just Power

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Dec 5 2013 • Articles

There have been multiple paradigms of power in IR, including ‘hard’, ‘soft’ and ‘smart’ power. The missing element has been that of justice – but the new paradigm of ‘just power’ may be the answer.

Syria’s Drowning Dream

Afra Jalabi • Nov 5 2013 • Articles

The Arab World is faced with tremendous odds in its journey towards democracy, internally and externally, and the price has been heavy. These challenges are undermining the future stability of the region.

Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Oct 11 2013 • Features

Professor Walt discusses the Syria crisis, the value of “isms” in IR theory, and advises students to be good writers and work on subjects that genuinely fascinate them.

Broadening the Reputation Debate Over Syria

Vaughn Shannon • Sep 28 2013 • Articles

Does reputation matter, and is it worth a military strike? The call for prudence may be the best formula for managing American policy in Syria, avoiding the negative reactions that challenge America’s long-term power and broader goals.

Rent-a-Gob: Academics for Hire

Matthew A. Hill • Sep 26 2013 • Articles

Academics are constantly being asked to play white coated experts in the media, dispensing pearls of 20 second segmented wisdom about a particular issue. Whether or not what they say is intelligent is another matter.

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