
The Geopolitics of the Struggle for Syria

Bassel F. Salloukh • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

The disaster in Syria epitomizes the destructive effects of the sectarianization of regional geopolitical battles and the use of the popular Arab uprisings for otherwise geopolitical ends.

Beyond Chemical Weapons Control: Securing a Ceasefire and Broadening the Diplomatic Agenda on Syria

Robert Mason • Sep 20 2013 • Articles

With diplomatic relations improving between the US and Russia, it is time to consider diplomacy-driven measures to achieve a UN Security Council Resolution that establishes a durable Syrian peace process.

The Duality of Syria: Civil War and The War on Terror

Sameera Khalfey • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

Finding a conclusion to the civil war and the ‘War on Terror’ is reliant upon fulfilling the will of the Syrian people without letting them fracture to the point of continuing civil unrest.

Moral Outrage Necessitates Defining a Strategy for Syria

Robert G. Rabil • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

The Obama administration has to contextualize its potential strike in Syria by formulating its military objectives within a political framework that aims to stop the vicious mayhem engulfing Syria.

The Syrian Deadlock – Bashar al-Assad and Barak Obama’s Moment of Truth

Eyal Zisser • Sep 15 2013 • Articles

Bashar al-Assad may play his cards well and stay in power in Syria, however, the future of the Middle East – as well as the future of the Syrian campaign – is likely to be decided by Washington.

How War Weary Are We?

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 15 2013 • Articles

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have made the U.S. public war weary, which is constraining Obama’s efforts to mobilize support for a strike against the Assad regime. But, how accurate is this picture?

Lessons From WWI

Peter Vale • Sep 13 2013 • Articles

Next year marks the Centenary of the First World War. Watching the tragic events unfold in Syria provokes one to think of the lessons learned from the carnage brought about by WWI.

Interview – Michael Walzer

E-International Relations • Sep 10 2013 • Features

Professor Walzer answers reader questions about intervention in Syria, just war in the age of drones, preventing genocide and mass atrocities, and Israel-Palestine peace negotiations.

Syria and the Hegemon’s Dilemma: Ontological Insecurity vs. Imperial Overstretch

Luke M. Herrington • Sep 10 2013 • Articles

John Kerry may be right that war fatigue is no excuse for inaction in Syria, but imperial overstretch and hegemonic decline very well may be.

Voting ‘No’ on Syria: What Now for the Role of the UK Parliament in Approving Military Action?

Catherine Haddon • Sep 10 2013 • Articles

UK’s Parliament has voted against taking military action in Syria – but what are the political, military and humanitarian ramifications of this decision and will it form a precedent?

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