
Obama, Syria and the Fading Unipolar Moment

Robert W. Murray • Sep 9 2013 • Articles

As the world watches the Obama Administration fumble its way through a decision about Syria, it is striking just how far the US has fallen in its relative place as a unipolar hegemon.

Syria: The Weeping Child of Our Conscience

Atef Alshaer • Sep 9 2013 • Articles

The UN has confirmed that over one million Syrian children are now refugees. The failure to provide a humanitarian response is a crime of conscience.

An International Solution to the Syrian Crisis

Oren Barak • Sep 6 2013 • Articles

In view of the severity of the act committed by the Syrian regime, it is the international community – not the US – that should be entrusted with punishing all those responsible.

Chemical Weapons, the Red Line and Beyond: Evidence and Intransigence over Syria

Ciaran Gillespie • Aug 30 2013 • Articles

Many argue international intervention in Syria is now a foregone conclusion but what purpose would this serve and what effect would it have on the conflict and civilians on the ground?

The Fallacy of the Realist-Constructivist Dichotomy: A Rejoinder to Robert Murray

Cecelia Lynch • Aug 19 2013 • Articles

Realism is not dead, but it is as problematic to treat the theory as IR’s “core set of ideas” as it is a fallacy to treat constructivism as a recognizable, distinct, and competing theory.

Interview – Tariq Ramadan

E-International Relations • Jul 31 2013 • Features

Professor Ramadan answers your questions about the compatibility of Islam and liberal democracy, prospects for the Arab Spring, and the ongoing crisis in Syria.

Egyptian and Syrian Civil-Military Relations

Glen Segell • Jul 18 2013 • Articles

The civil-military relations in Egypt and Syria help explain their domestic strife and the expected outcome after this ends. Both countries will face problems until these relations are resolved.

War in Syria: The Proxy Element

Paul Rogers • Jul 4 2013 • Articles

While there is a strong element of a proxy war behind the fighting in Syria, the forces and interests involved are best understood in terms of inter-state relations going back more than a decade.

The Third Phase of Syria’s Ongoing Civil War

Fred H. Lawson • Jul 1 2013 • Articles

Syria’s civil war has entered a new phase, which is likely to be more explosive than the ones that preceded it. These trends in the uprising have much to contribute to current scholarship on civil war.

The Syria on the Horizon

William Harris • Jun 14 2013 • Articles

Bashar al-Assad and his circle will continue to refuse any Syria that is not theirs. There is no daylight for diplomacy here. A plausible scenario involves a war of multiple phases lasting years.

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