
Are They Intervening Yet? Power and Spillover in the Syrian Conflict

Ciaran Gillespie • Jun 11 2013 • Articles

Any question about whether the west should intervene in Syria is a fairly moot point when considering history. Although it may not be immediately recognisable, we have been intervening for some time.

Does Chemical Weapons Use by the Syrian Government Present a Watershed?

Sophia Hoffmann • May 31 2013 • Articles

The way we think and feel about particular kinds of weapons is significantly influenced by the way they are talked about and acted upon by the powerful.

Interview – Chris Brown

E-International Relations • May 28 2013 • Features

Professor Brown answers reader questions about the theory-practice divide, non-Western political theory, the ongoing crisis in Syria, and challenges to the UN’s Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine.

Should Western Nations Arm Syrian Rebels?

Samer N. Abboud • May 10 2013 • Articles

There is a compelling case for increased militarization in the ongoing Syrian crisis, but such an intervention may seriously affect the prospects of finding a political solution to the conflict.

The Syrian Predicament

Nadav Morag • May 9 2013 • Articles

The civil war playing out in Syria is an extreme manifestation of a common problem: the creation of independent states based on boundaries that did not reflect social and demographic realities.

Imagining Post-Baath Syria: Stability or Chaos?

Nuri Salik • May 7 2013 • Articles

If the National Coalition crumbles, this will mean the reemergence of the factionalist game among rival groups in line with their external regional allies similar to the instability period before 1970.

An Overview of the English School’s Engagement With Human Rights

Adrian Gallagher • May 6 2013 • Articles

Looking at the world today, it is evident that although the English School does not explain everything, it does provide a fruitful framework for analysing the hope and tragedy of international society.

Obama and the Syrian Civil War

Mark N. Katz • Mar 29 2013 • Articles

Increased US involvement may not bring about a quick, clean end to Syrian conflict. But, the limited involvement that Obama has recently been indicating will certainly not do so.

Syria’s Agony: Situation and Outlook, Winter 2013

William Harris • Feb 21 2013 • Articles

After two years of a crisis that has irrevocably changed the Levant, it is worth taking stock of regime and opposition, reviewing primary responsibility for the devastation, and assessing prospects, with or without intervention.

Predictions for 2013

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Dec 28 2012 • Articles

It’s that time of year when the illusion of insight is replaced by the illusion of foresight in bloggers everywhere. Attempts to make lists like this one longer or shorter than 10 fail, so in that spirit, let’s get on with it!

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