
Iran’s Syria Gamble: Losing the War, Losing the Peace?

Maysam Behravesh • Nov 14 2012 • Articles

If the Syrians manage to build a free future of their own, it will almost undoubtedly be one without Assad, rendering Iran the great loser both of the war and of the potential peace.

No Help is Coming: The Syrian-Turkish Strategic Quagmire

Dan G. Cox • Oct 18 2012 • Articles

With numerous strategic pitfalls to intervention in Syria, there is little chance that Article V will be invoked by Turkey to bring in a NATO intervention force.

Russia, America, and Syria

Mark N. Katz • Oct 17 2012 • Articles

Moscow and Washington strongly disagree over many issues. Their differences over Syria, however, do not amount to a Cold War-style proxy war between them. Regional actors are more at odds in Syria than the U.S. and Russia.

No Turkish Syrian War

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Oct 13 2012 • Articles

Turkey will not be an instrument by which the Assad regime is deposed. It will neither directly attack the Assad government nor be the leader of an intervening coalition. If there is intervention, it will have to be an American initiative.

Turkey, the Balance of Power, and the Risks of Article V

Robert W. Murray • Oct 11 2012 • Articles

Unless there is some sort of extraordinary aggression taken by the Assad regime towards Turkey, NATO’s role should remain focused on harshly worded joint statements and nothing more. Article V invocation would be an overreaction.

The Syrian Army and the Coming Winter War

Glen Segell • Oct 11 2012 • Articles

Assad and the Syrian military are bound together in their fate. Preserving Assad’s power is crucial to keep the armed forces in safe employment – a lifestyle that could scarcely be an option under a new government.

Humanitarian Intervention and Geo-Politics: A Complicated Confluence

Amos N Guiora • Sep 11 2012 • Articles

The complicated confluence of humanitarian intervention and geo-political considerations require the Obama Administration to articulate and implement consistent, well thought through principles and values in Syria.

Intervention vs Non-Intervention in Syria: Assessing Costs and Benefits for the West

Mark N. Katz • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

In the case of Syria, Western policymakers need to focus on, not whether to choose between intervention and non-intervention, but what sort of intervention will minimize costs and maximize benefits.

Syria: We Can’t Give Up On Diplomacy

Natalie Samarasinghe • Aug 31 2012 • Articles

As Lakhdar Brahimi takes over as UN-Arab League envoy to Syria, there is real merit in pursuing a comprehensive Security Council resolution and a post-conflict framework.

US Intervention in the “Arab Spring”

Asad AbuKhalil • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

US intervention in the Arab world is still predicated on the same foundations that determined the courses of US foreign policy during the Cold War. With the Arab Spring, US intervention is likely to continue and expand.

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