
Independently Wealthy: ISIL’s Sinews of War

Craig Giorgis and Daniel Myers • Dec 11 2015 • Articles

One of the primary indicators of a violent extremist organization’s potential longevity is its ability to self-finance. Today, ISIL is the richest such group in the world.

Iran Is Part of the Problem, Part of the Solution

P.R. Kumaraswamy • Dec 10 2015 • Articles

Geostrategic reality, shrewd political moves and the short-sighted policies of its adversaries have enhanced the role of Iran in any future dispensation in Syria.

Interview – Nori Katagiri

E-International Relations • Dec 5 2015 • Features

Dr. Katagiri discusses his latest book on insurgencies, military strategies and cooperation and Japanese-American perceptions on security, politics and the world.

Putin’s Syrian Quagmire: Costs as well as Benefits for the US

Mark N. Katz • Dec 2 2015 • Articles

Just because Moscow insists on making mistakes in Syria, Washington does not have to do so too.

World War Z: Why Russia Fights DAESH Zealots

Matthew Crosston • Dec 1 2015 • Articles

The civilizational lines drawn by the West have allowed the world to divide itself into camps making the civilian undersides of societies susceptible to extremist horror.

ISIS and the Destruction of Antiquities

Michael Barak • Oct 10 2015 • Articles

ISIS reaps political dividends from the mere fact of the obsessive concern and anxiety in the West over the destruction of antiquities in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey’s Borderlands, the Syrian Civil War, and the Kurds

Ugur Ümit Üngör • Sep 22 2015 • Articles

For countries that share a long land border and overlapping populations with similar customs, ‘spillover’ is a natural sociological corollary of transnational ties.

Transboundary Water Governance in the Euphrates Tigris River Basin

Aysegül Kibaroglu • Jul 22 2015 • Articles

One of the biggest challenges now is to establish transboundary water cooperation in the midst of current state of affairs in the Euphrates-Tigris river basin.

The Islamic State – One Year On

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Jul 15 2015 • Articles

The IS can no longer be viewed as a passing phenomenon and may expand in the future – unless it is coerced into total submission or at least denied a footprint in Iraq.

Interview – Max Abrahms

E-International Relations • Jul 12 2015 • Features

Max Abrahms defends his proposition that terrorism is a losing tactic, reflects on the varying motives behind terrorism, and suggests an approach for countering ISIS.

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