
The Women of Daesh: Thinking about a Decade of Research on Women, Gender, and Terrorism

Laura Sjoberg • Dec 6 2015 • Articles

So long as gender stereotypes rule our understandings of women’s participation in terrorism, those understandings will necessarily be partial.

After Paris: What Should (Not) Be Done?

Lee Jarvis • Nov 30 2015 • Articles

In the wake of the Paris events, thinking more carefully about the contexts of these terror attacks is a useful start to normalising responses to terrorism.

India’s Complex Security Environment & the Need for International Partnerships

Satgin Hamrah • Nov 21 2015 • Articles

India needs to develop and implement effective strategies and tactics that address its diverse security environment in a multi-pronged and multi-layered manner.

Larval Terror and the Digital Darkside

Nandita Biswas Mellamphy • Nov 14 2015 • Articles

When war becomes larval, it becomes pervasive and perpetual; the need for fear, for threats, for insecurity also become circulated within the spheres of everyday life.

The Politicisation of Orientalism: The Mutation of a Paradigm

Jiayuan Wang • Nov 1 2015 • Essays

The politicisation of Orientalism by the West had led to a mutation in the paradigm such that it has become not just a manifestation of imperialism but its instrument.

Kunduz – Beyond the Battleground

Siegfried O. Wolf • Oct 16 2015 • Articles

The latest military operations by the Taliban in the North of Afghanistan make obvious that the group seems not to be weakened at all, but even stronger than before.

Interview – H.A. Hellyer

E-International Relations • Oct 10 2015 • Features

Dr H.A. Hellyer answers questions on contemporary Islamist politics, relations between European states and their Muslim populations, and the Egyptian revolution of 2011.

White Women War Reporters: Interrogating the ‘Third Gender’ Category

Alex Edney-Browne • Oct 9 2015 • Essays

White women war reporters are being classified as a third gender, enabling them to break into the war reporting career, but this only perpetuates patriarchal ideas.

Counter-terrorism: The Liberal Biopolitics of Securing Life

Ayshwarya Rajith Sriskanda Rajah • Aug 2 2015 • Articles

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 does not undermine liberal values and principles, because is in line with classical liberal thought on securing life.

The Islamic State – One Year On

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Jul 15 2015 • Articles

The IS can no longer be viewed as a passing phenomenon and may expand in the future – unless it is coerced into total submission or at least denied a footprint in Iraq.

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