
Disrupting the ‘Conditional Selfhood’ of Threat Construction

Kathryn Marie Fisher • Aug 15 2016 • Articles

It is essential to interrogate how representations of the homegrown threat in security practice may instead be influencing insecurity.

War through a Temporal Lens

Christopher McIntosh • Aug 4 2016 • Articles

The unforeseeable future implicates the present but also the manner in which decisions in the present operate at the intersection of meaning in past and future.

Islam and the Politics of Temporality: The Case of ISIS

Shahzad Bashir • Jul 28 2016 • Articles

ISIS is not unique when it comes to the significance of temporality as issues pertaining to the past have been a constant factor in Islamic thought.

Interview – Loretta Napoleoni

E-International Relations • May 27 2016 • Features

Loretta Napoleoni discusses the finances of terror networks, the challenge of countering ISIS, and the attraction of China’s economic model for developing countries.

Pakistan and Terrorism: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as Critical Juncture?

Siegfried O. Wolf • May 11 2016 • Articles

There are too many indications that Pakistan’s military and civilian leaderships are still not willing to break totally with the patterns of its involvement in state terrorism.

Review – Hollywood 9/11: Superheroes, Supervillains and Super Disasters

Tiago Alves de Moraes Sarmento • May 2 2016 • Features

From documentaries to Team America, the rich material that Pollard describes might help one understand what entertainment in the new millennium is grounded upon.

Education and Extremism: “Fundamental British Values” in the Classroom

Kieran Ford • Apr 25 2016 • Articles

That a government-endorsed set of values is undemocratic may come as no surprise. The fact that it has gone unchallenged should come as a grave concern.

Counterterrorism in the NHS: The ‘Prevent’ Strategy Takes to the Clinic

Charlotte Heath-Kelly • Apr 13 2016 • Articles

A policy which ignores academic research, criminalises belief, and builds an extensive surveillance and monitoring system is itself an extremist and violent endeavour.

Fixing the ‘Prevent’ Strategy in UK Education

Daniel Giraldo • Mar 30 2016 • Articles

A better counter-terrorism strategy would encourage cohesiveness and a better understanding of different ethnic groups – some of the core principles in any democratic society.

The Domestic and Regional ‘Kurdish Issue’ of Turkish Foreign Policy

Umut Yukaruc • Mar 12 2016 • Articles

Turkey has a century-old domestic problem with its Kurdish population affected by Kurdish support from the US and others, making the issue key to Turkish Foreign Policy.

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