
Between a Rock and a Hard Place? EU-Armenia Relations after Vilnius

Günter Walzenbach • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

Economic rapprochement between Russia and the West is unlikely to occur so long as Putin pursues his pet project – the Eurasian Customs Union.

Interview – Kathleen Hicks

E-International Relations • Nov 6 2014 • Features

Dr. Kathleen Hicks, Henry A. Kissinger Chair and director of CSIS talks about US defense planning, the campaign against ISIL, NATO and Ukraine, and the role of gender in national security circles.

Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 3

Robert W. Murray • Aug 27 2014 • Articles

It may seem trivial to state that the west helped cause, rather than did cause, the crisis in Ukraine but from a theoretical point of view, this distinction is essential.

Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 2

Cathinka Lerstad • Aug 27 2014 • Articles

The Ukrainian crisis represents a dangerous and unpredictable situation generated by several actors. Attributing blame, as Mearsheimer does, does not promote dialogue.

Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 1

Robert L. Oprisko • Aug 26 2014 • Articles

Because Russia cares too much and Europe cares too little for Ukraine, a state’s sovereignty is shattered, its people divided, and its future is now uncertain.

Review – Putin’s Wars: The Rise of Russia’s New Imperialism

Valerie Pacer • Aug 5 2014 • Features

Van Herpen expertly details the complicated legacy that empire has on the modern Russian state – and offers an important background to on-going events in Ukraine.

Cold War II: Can Economic Sanctions and Diplomacy Avert a Repetition of History?

Natalia Sharova • Jul 21 2014 • Articles

Pushing Russia into isolation will raise insecurities in Eastern Europe and will possibly resurrect the Cold War. Therefore the crisis must be resolved via negotiation.

“Do as We Say, Not as We Do.” Perspective on the Ukrainian Crisis

Graham Kay • May 4 2014 • Articles

The main criticism on relations with Ukraine must fall on U.S. and Western foreign policy or, more precisely, the lack of one.

Review – Russian Energy in a Changing World

Stephen Fortescue • May 3 2014 • Features

Godzimirski’s edited collection is a timely analysis of Russia’s energy policies that will aid our understanding of the recent past and future of this volatile region.

Review – The Domestic Sources of European Foreign Policy

Steven Robinson • Apr 6 2014 • Features

Serrano emphasises the importance of domestic politics in shaping policy decisions at the EU level, an influence that has not always been empirically justified.

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