
Eight Open Access Books on the Ukraine-Russia Conflict

E-International Relations • Mar 7 2022 • Features

Since 2014, E-International Relations has published a series of edited collections and monographs that dig into the roots and branches of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Opinion – Refugee Hierarchy in Western Responses to the Ukrainian Crisis

Piyumani Panchali Ranasinghe and Khalid Dader • Mar 7 2022 • Articles

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights,’ but as seen in western discourse over Ukrainian migrants ‘European’, ‘White’, and ‘civilized’ seem to be freer and superior.

Opinion – On and Beyond Whataboutism in the Russia-Ukraine War

Lorenzo Kamel • Mar 6 2022 • Articles

Russia’s invasion of a sovereign country, Ukraine, and exporting democracy as the US did in Iraq in 2003 are two illegal and immoral sides of the same coin.

Opinion – Strategic Perspectives on the Russia-Ukraine War

Lev Topor • Mar 6 2022 • Articles

if one seeks to understand the current situation one must understand the strategic history of the Soviet, or Russian, conflict with the West.

Opinion – Russia’s Bombing of Ukraine’s Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial

Martin Duffy • Mar 3 2022 • Articles

The events of 1 March 2022 cause us to revisit the Holocaust. With hope, the fears of President Zelensky will not be realized and the grim cycle of history does not repeat itself.

Opinion – The Risk of Nuclear War with Russia

Sebastian Schindler • Mar 3 2022 • Articles

Given the increased use of war rhetoric and calls for no-fly-zones Western leaders must deploy political wisdom and show a capacity for serious judgement.

Opinion – Rethinking History in Light of Ukraine’s Resistance

Dmytro Roman Kulchitsky • Mar 3 2022 • Articles

Ukrainians are showing the world that the Ukrainian nation has always existed, and that they are prepared to pay the ultimate price to live in a free and democratic society.

Opinion – The Myth of Being Anti-Racist and Anti-War in the Ukraine Conflict

David Chandler • Mar 2 2022 • Articles

To refuse the discourses of war and racialization it is necessary to do more than place them in critical relation to those of anti-war and anti-racialization. Instead, we should refuse to distinguish the two.

Opinion – Russian Motives in Ukraine and Western Response Options

Sebastian Schindler • Feb 28 2022 • Articles

Putin’s worldview is not uncommon and corresponds to that of Donald Trump, who immediately after the invasion of Ukraine commended Putin as a genius.

Vladimir Putin’s Imperialism and Military Goals Against Ukraine

Taras Kuzio • Feb 24 2022 • Articles

Russian great power nationalists led by Putin seek to wipe Ukraine and the Ukrainian people from the map of Europe and massively abuse human rights.

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