UNHCR, National Policies and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan

Neda Moayerian and Max O. Stephenson Jr. • Apr 24 2023 • Articles

The dominant framing of refugees as passive and vulnerable and in need of state protection and/or reunification must change.

Technologies of Truth and the LGBTI+ Asylum Reality

Ricardo Prata Filho • Dec 8 2020 • Articles

The truths that science seek should be viewed with caution by those who implement the rules and have the power to apply their effects to the harsh reality of LGBTI+ people around the world.

Legal Responses to the EU Migrant Crisis: Too Little, Too Late?

Jenny Poon • Aug 19 2018 • Articles

To properly safeguard the rights of asylum claimants and refugees, regional courts should play a larger role in the adjudication of asylum decisions.

Interview – Nina Hall

E-International Relations • Jul 5 2017 • Features

Dr. Nina Hall talks about the links between climate change, refugee flows and violent conflict, the role of NGO’s, and she explains her work on digital activism.

Teaching International Organizations as Bureaucracies

Simon Fink • Jul 14 2016 • Articles

It can only be a good thing if students learn about the power inherent in definitions, and can reflect on the normative problems arising from these definitions.

Chronic Refugee Populations and UNHCR’s Funding Model: A Source of Insecurity

Emma Best • Nov 14 2015 • Essays

The donor-funded model of UNHCR fails to account for long-standing exiled populations, which eventually leads to security implications in vulnerable areas.

Dawn Of A New Era for the Forgotten Issue of Statelessness

Laura van Waas • Feb 23 2012 • Articles

2011 marked the culmination of a range of developments at national, regional and global levels which indicate that there is not just every reason for states to want to do more to address statelessness, but also that something can be done about it.

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