United Kingdom

Britain’s Modern Slavery Act: World-leading or a Timid Start?

Gary Craig • Apr 8 2015 • Articles

It has become clear that both the scale of modern slavery is much larger than presumed, and that its scope is much wider. New forms of slavery are becoming apparent.

The Parthenon Marbles in Russia: Referred Pain from a Colonial Past and Present

Elizabeth Alexander • Feb 11 2015 • Articles

Behind the debate over the artwork extracted from the Parthenon are British violence in post WWII Greece, the experience of austerity and matters of national identity.

Scotland: If Not Independence Then a Federacy?

Eve Hepburn • Dec 5 2014 • Articles

If Scotland were to go down the federacy route, the old-age debate of whether or not Europe can be viewed as a part of its domestic competences would return.

Anarchy in the UK? Debating the Scottish Referendum Aftermath: Part 2

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 20 2014 • Articles

The UK’s major parties and international partners, especially the USA, do not want the kind of security or defence posture that has been discussed in Scotland in recent months.

Anarchy in the UK? Debating the Scottish Referendum Aftermath: Part 1

Phil Cole • Nov 19 2014 • Articles

The UK public have an appetite for change but not for unpredictability. That makes the whole process a political minefield running up to the 2015 General Election.

Drowning Migrants Is Not the Answer

Phil Cole • Oct 29 2014 • Articles

Criminalization is not the answer to the movement of people across the Mediterranean. We have to recognize that it is this act of criminalization which is killing people, not the desire to migrate.

Europe’s Other Crisis: Secessionism at the Gates

Glen Duerr • Aug 17 2014 • Articles

While it is true that any member state can veto the accession bid of another state, the EU will want to avoid any possible territorial mess within its borders.

What Would a Brexit Mean for the EU?

Tim Oliver • Aug 10 2014 • Articles

The amount of leverage the threat of Brexit has for the UK depends not so much on what the UK contributes to the EU but about how valued that contribution is by the EU.

The Meaning of a British Exit from the European Union

John McCormick • Jul 25 2014 • Articles

Britain may have a reputation as a reluctant member of the EU, but its absence would be deeply felt. The merits of a referendum on a ‘Brexit’ need to be questioned.

Can the EU Afford to Lose the UK?

Jan Zielonka • Jul 23 2014 • Articles

With a ‘Brexit’ on the agenda, and the EU’s vision questioned, it should be kept in mind that integration is chiefly about managing divergence and difference.

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