United Kingdom

China: New Steps Forward in Africa

Kerry Brown and Shan Huang • Nov 15 2016 • Articles

By understanding China’s approach as pragmatic, not altruistic, those working with China can come out with economic gains.

Corbyn vs. Smith: Faith and the Future of the British Labour Party

Peter Walker • Sep 21 2016 • Articles

Labour in opposition must conduct itself in a way that increases its political platform for the next general election. Is there a bigger platform than faith and religion?

Brexit Symposium

Brexit is not a time-space exception, but rather a symptom of a systemic failure of democratic governance at the national and EU levels.

The Importance of the Chilcot Report for International Relations Scholars

Piers Robinson • Aug 15 2016 • Articles

Academics should focus more on the processes by which power is exercised through organised persuasive communication and manipulative propaganda.

Brexit! The Result and Its Implications

David Cutts • Jun 29 2016 • Articles

The UK’s exit represents a fundamental challenge for those advocates of an ‘ever closer union’ and EU leaders are conscious of the need to avoid further fragmentation.

The Brexit Fantasy

Moran M. Mandelbaum • Jun 28 2016 • Articles

In a Lacanian sense, the Brexit discourse invoked a fantasy return to a lost ‘golden era’ of British power while blaming immigration and the EU for standing in the way.

Argentina’s Perseverance and Stability in the South Atlantic

Christian Scheinpflug • Jun 12 2016 • Articles

A dominant Argentina may unhinge the Antarctic Treaty. Britain must put forward a diplomatic offensive in the region and at the UN.

Making ‘remain’ the Cool Vote – Wolfgang Tillman & His Posters

Joel Vessels • Jun 6 2016 • Articles

What’s at stake in Wolfgang Tillman’s Brexit posters is the imagined community of Europe itself.

An Historical Context of Brexit

James Flint • May 6 2016 • Articles

UK’s historiography of political relations with Europe can add much to our understanding of the current contentious debate on the UK’s place in (or out) of the EU.

Education and Extremism: “Fundamental British Values” in the Classroom

Kieran Ford • Apr 25 2016 • Articles

That a government-endorsed set of values is undemocratic may come as no surprise. The fact that it has gone unchallenged should come as a grave concern.

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