United Nations

Religion and Human Rights: A Dialectical Relationship

Bas de Gaay Fortman • Dec 5 2011 • Articles

The real challenge is one of how to get global faith in a dignified and well-protected existence for everyone, rooted in all hearts and minds. This tends to entail periods of sharp confrontation with the powers that be, as the recent Arab Spring has markedly illustrated.

Was the International Intervention in Libya a Success?

Michael Aaronson • Oct 31 2011 • Articles

The UN-mandated intervention in Libya is now officially at an end. Perhaps only time will tell whether Libya turns out to have been a great case of international intervention or something rather less.

The International Politics of Religious Defamation

Peter Henne • Oct 26 2011 • Articles

The current focus by scholars and policymakers on the role of religion in international relations is a welcome development. It’s transnational power can serve as a force for both good or ill by challenging the exclusive authority of states over their citizens, and debates over religious issues cannot be understood without taking religious beliefs into account.

The BRICs and the UN: Coordination or Fragmentation?

Sean Burges • Oct 21 2011 • Articles

Today’s BRICS leaders talk, but rarely take combined action or push for substantive joint strategies, pointing to the possibility that at least in political terms the BRICs made by Goldman Sachs (who coined the phrase) may prove to be more like stumbling blocks than the foundation stones needed to reinvigorate the UN or reshape the international system.

Where Does Article 38 Stand Today?

Kirthi Jayakumar • Oct 12 2011 • Articles

Although Article 38 has helped define international law as a discipline distinct from politics and international relations, it has fallen short of seeing the process through. As dynamic as society is, law needs to be one step ahead to ensure that there is a means to keep actions and omissions in check.

R2P: Seeking Perfection in an Imperfect World

Rodger Shanahan • Oct 7 2011 • Articles

While the development of R2P as a concept has been the preserve of international relations theoreticians (albeit ones with large amounts of practical experience), its implementation rests on the practitioners of the day. And these practitioners deal in the world of realpolitik with all of its inconsistencies, relativities and competing national interests.

The Responsibility to Protect and the Problem of Regime Change

Alex J. Bellamy • Sep 27 2011 • Articles

Because of the deep concern on the part of many UN member states that RtoP could give rise to a regime change agenda and the equally deep global opposition to such an agenda, it is incumbent on us to explore the relationship more deeply in order to ascertain whether there are ways of maintaining a clear distinction between RtoP and regime change without sacrificing the protection of civilians.

The Illusion of Progress: Libya and the Future of R2P

Aidan Hehir • Sep 11 2011 • Articles

The problem with R2P is precisely that which rendered “Never Again!” and the Genocide Convention impotent, namely that its enforcement is conditional on the support of the permanent five members of the Security Council. Only the very naive imagine that the P5 honour Article 24.1 of the Charter and act on behalf of UN member states; each state’s respective national interest determines their position.

R2P, Libya and International Politics as the Struggle for Competing Normative Architectures

Ramesh Thakur • Sep 7 2011 • Articles

The UN was neither designed nor expected to be a pacifist organisation. Its origins lie in the anti-Nazi wartime military alliance amongst Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. The all-powerful UN Security Council is the world’s duly, and only, sworn in sheriff for enforcing international law and order.

Interview – Gareth Evans

E-International Relations • Sep 2 2011 • Features

One of the most depressing, and distressing, realities we have to acknowledge has been our inability to prevent or halt the recurring horror of mass atrocity crimes.

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