United States

Review – The New Deal: A Global History

Alexander Jacobs • Dec 28 2017 • Features

Patel’s ambitious study demonstrates how the New Deal was part of a global movement aimed at subordinating market economies to the demands of security and stability.

Would Churchill Have Voted for Brexit?

Alastair Stewart • Dec 11 2017 • Articles

Winston Churchill was a student of the past, with a cast iron understanding of Britain’s inextricable role in European affairs over the last thousand years.

10th Anniversary Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Dec 7 2017 • Features

To celebrate E-IR’s 10th anniversary we asked some of our existing interviewees two further questions reflecting on the last decade in International Relations.

The Golden Age of Special Operations Forces

Abigail Watson • Nov 28 2017 • Articles

Special Operation Forces have been a defining feature of US military engagement in its post-9/11 wars, yet few understand the dangers of their increased use.

Understanding the Continuation of Violence in the Texas Church Shooting

Elina Penttinen and Ada Schwanck • Nov 27 2017 • Articles

Violence is part of our society. Recognizing gender-based violence as a global problem challenges IR researchers to pay attention to how it operates in the Global North.

Did RT Influence the 2016 US Elections?

Rhys Crilley • Nov 21 2017 • Articles

Rather than forcing RT to register as a foreign agent, efforts should be spent on making RT clarify any opaque business and editorial structures.

Review – Lupe Under the Sun

Francisco Laguna-Correa • Nov 15 2017 • Features

Director Rodrigo Reyes’ film portrays a realist yet dreamlike exploration of the everyday activities of an ageing undocumented Mexican labourer in the United States.

Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Nov 14 2017 • Features

Prof. Stephen Walt discusses his current book project on the failures of American foreign policy, realist IR theory, and the nature of American political institutions.

US and British Foreign Policy from One Regime Change to Another

Stephen Chan • Oct 29 2017 • Articles

The US sense of being a sole hegemonic superpower is under challenge, even as it pulls along the UK and allows it to think of their relationship as special.

Review – Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey

Elizabeth Austin • Oct 26 2017 • Features

American lawyer Ingersoll Lockwood’s 1893 story about a wealthy young man named Baron Trump provides some interesting parallels to today’s US President, Donald Trump.

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