United States

Sino-UK Relations and the Impact of Trump

Kerry Brown • Mar 6 2017 • Articles

There are going to be some rocky moments between the US-UK and UK-China equations. The UK’s attempts to lie between the US and China may prove the wisdom of the adage.

Analysing but Not Seeing: What’s Missing When We Forget Images in IR

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Mar 6 2017 • Articles

Security is not solely constructed discursively but also visually. Dominant securitization theory ignores the latter, leaving it somewhat decontextualized.

America’s New Best Friend: The UK vs Japan

Peter Matanle • Feb 26 2017 • Articles

The challenge in the months ahead will be to ensure that Britain’s isolation can be reversed with the discovery of a new purpose at the centre of world affairs.

The End of Pax Americana or a New Realignment?

Maurizio Geri • Feb 26 2017 • Articles

The international shift from cooperation to conflict that Trump’s administration has made is based on the continuation of the Obama administration, with opposite means.

EU-NATO Relations in the Era of Trump and of the European Defence Union

Luigi Lonardo • Feb 17 2017 • Articles

With President Trump, the Warsaw declaration is now more important as it delivers quite clearly what were the hopes and fears of the Obama administration and of the EU.

Finding an Alternative World Order

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 14 2017 • Articles

Serious change in the global security order can come about only when the United States actually does less international intervening. Then, others will do more – if slowly at first.

Hitler’s Long Shadow: Donald Trump and Angela Merkel

Klaus Larres • Feb 8 2017 • Articles

In a volatile world, the US and Germany ought to cooperate with each other. Perhaps Donald Trump will realise that international cooperation, is advantageous to the US.

Totalitarianism Is Back – Time to Awake!

Hartmut Behr • Feb 5 2017 • Articles

Arendt’s analysis of totalitarianism matches Trump’s politics. Being alert means not to retreat in the hopes and naivety that it won’t be as bad as it looks.

Donald Trump and the Emergent Dominant Narrative in US Foreign Policy

Jack Thompson • Feb 4 2017 • Articles

Trump is laying the groundwork for a fundamental shift in the way Americans think about foreign security policy. The question is, how long will America First persist?

Managing Global Security beyond ‘Pax Americana’

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jan 21 2017 • Articles

The rivalry of superpowers that we saw in the 20th century was a certain kind of world order. The hubris of one rich and powerful nation, the USA, is another – and one that is likely to end soon.

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