United States

The Politicisation of Orientalism: The Mutation of a Paradigm

Jiayuan Wang • Nov 1 2015 • Essays

The politicisation of Orientalism by the West had led to a mutation in the paradigm such that it has become not just a manifestation of imperialism but its instrument.

The “New Type of Major Power Relations”: A New Normal in Sino-US Ties

Anand V. • Oct 23 2015 • Articles

Political, economic and military conditions make a direct clash between the two powers possible, yet there are also constraints on all levels impeding on this.

Why Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Record Does Not Matter

Anna Viden • Oct 22 2015 • Articles

In the context of the strained security situation in the Middle East and Europe it seems unlikely that human rights considerations will gain the upper hand.

The “Peace” in China’s Peaceful Rise

Sriparna Pathak • Oct 15 2015 • Articles

The rise of China as a significant player in international politics is viewed with suspicion, and questions emerge whether it will challenge the hegemony of the U.S.

Beyond Thompson and Malaya: The Search for a Usable Counterinsurgency Past

Titus van de Kerke • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

Though modern British COIN doctrine has shaken off some of British COIN’s persistent myths, a more thorough and far-sighted questioning of its base principles is needed.

The Dilemma of Middle Eastern Democracy

Ahmed Elsayed • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

The seemingly infertile soil for democracy in the Middle East can be better understood by primarily examining the hindering role of the coercive apparatus in the region.

Review – The Improbable War

Milos Popovic • Sep 30 2015 • Features

While Coker fails to fully assess Chinese ‘soft power’ and potential involvement in proxy war, this persuasive book is likely to shape US opinion on policy towards China.

Missile Defense Questions Need a Political Answer

Duane Neal • Sep 10 2015 • Articles

Missile defense carries indisputable benefits to U.S. foreign policy. However, it requires commitments form allies and partners to be sustainable.

Moving on After Congress Votes on the Iran Deal

Matthew S. Cohen • Aug 30 2015 • Articles

Iran is an important country. The US should engage with Iran, with well-considered protections in place, while being sure to protect and reassure our allies.

Why the Iran Nuclear Deal Will Not Transform USA-Iran Relations

Monish Tourangbam and Ramu C.M. • Aug 28 2015 • Articles

It is too early for a substantial change in the US-Iran status quo; but despite skepticism, there is no denying that the nuclear deal is a diplomatic breakthrough.

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