United States

The US Coast Guard’s Western Hemisphere Strategy

The US Coast Guard seems interested in being the tip of the spear on positive US security activities in the Greater Caribbean’s future.

‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’ and IR Theory

Robert A. Saunders • Feb 15 2015 • Articles

Hollywood has a long history of trading in subtle political messaging and reinforcing the notion of US military might as a force for good, even when things get ugly.

Time for a New Western Strategy in Ukraine

Robert W. Murray • Feb 10 2015 • Articles

Western strategy towards the Ukraine crisis has been a failure. Without a dose of deterrence to complement diplomatic efforts, Eastern Europe may share Ukraine’s fate.

Critical Questions on the US-Cuba Rapprochement

Alessandro Badella • Jan 27 2015 • Articles

It could be naive to think that Obama’s openings to Cuba were just a move to improve relations without expecting any reciprocation in terms of democracy and human rights.

Reflections on the American War, Karzai, and Orientalism in Afghanistan

Shah Mahmoud Hanifi • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

The lens of Orientalism allows us to see the weight of historical and cultural gravity in Afghanistan. However, it has reached its metaphorical zenith in the country.

The One Percent Problem

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jan 5 2015 • Articles

One of the strangest criticisms of US security policy is that it burdens a too small percentage of the American people. In fact, the US has stopped paying for its wars.

The United States and Libya: Turbulent History and Uncertain Future

Youssef M. Sawani • Dec 27 2014 • Articles

Libyans’ aspirations for a post-Gaddafi Libya have not been attained. Libya is moving into new phase of a more substantial civil war, with wider regional repercussions.

Gang Violence, Public Health, and Security in Honduras

Alexis Henshaw • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

Left unchecked, gang violence threatens to undo years of development work Honduras, and will lead to the further deterioration of physical and mental health.

Come Fly with Me: Airports and Geographies of Rendition

Klaus Dodds and Peter Adey • Dec 18 2014 • Articles

The airport has been a key site for investigating how the war on terror has manifested itself in terms of security and surveillance and monitoring the body and behavior.

Holiday Gifts for IR Professors

Dylan Kissane • Dec 8 2014 • Articles

Dan Drezner offered a gift guide for political scientists in the Washington Post last week. In the same spirit, here are some ideas for the IR professor in your life.

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