United States

A Liberal Defense of Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy

Benjamin E. Goldsmith • Oct 6 2014 • Articles

Obama is a foreign policy Liberal, in the best sense of the term. He has delivered a balanced foreign policy that protects U.S. interests while promoting U.S. values.

More than a Family Business: US Military Interventions in Iraq in Perspective

Diego Pagliarulo • Sep 23 2014 • Articles

As it begins new military efforts to improve stability in the Middle East, the US must expand efforts to encourage cooperation among the region’s most influential actors.

The Fifteen-Sided War

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 13 2014 • Articles

US strategy for dealing with ISIL is widely criticised. However, it seems to be right for a war in which US enemies are its allies and allies are allies of its enemies.

Review – U.S.-Iran Misperceptions: A Dialogue

Ghoncheh Tazmini • Aug 17 2014 • Features

Though Maleki and Tirman’s work describes the roots of US-Iran (mis)perception, their effort ultimately fails as a work of academic merit for exactly that reason.

The Politics of US and EU Sanctions on Russia’s Energy Sector

Richard Sakwa • Aug 15 2014 • Articles

It is the selective nature of sanctions that make them a political weapon against countries that refuse to buckle down to western leadership.

Review – When the United States Invaded Russia

Christian Dennys • Aug 1 2014 • Features

Richard’s book should be read – not for lessons on Afghanistan & Iraq – but as a timely reminder of the dangers of mission creep and the consequences of the use of force.

The Iraq Crisis and Its Geopolitical Implications

Zenonas Tziarras • Jul 29 2014 • Articles

An inclusive and participatory democracy that would accommodate Iraq’s pluralistic society is the only way to counter ISIS and ensure Iraq’a stability and prosperity.

Ukraine and the Interwoven Interests of America, Russia, and the EU

Roland Benedikter • Jul 5 2014 • Articles

Ukraine is crucial for the future global strategies of the US, Russia, and the EU. Conflicting approaches to the crisis should not mask the interwoven interests.

Getting Away With It: How Governments Sew Up Foreign Policies in Advance

Peter Harris • Jun 13 2014 • Articles

All foreign policies are stitched together in order to appease the greatest number of potential stakeholders while limiting the number of potential opponents.

Review – East, West, North, South: International Relations since 1945

John Kent • Jun 11 2014 • Features

This edition enlightens the reader to new facts and interpretations, although limited in their scope, about the events post-1945 and particularly those after 1986.

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