United States

Man-Up Mr Snowden! Masculinities and National Security

Klaus Dodds • Jun 8 2014 • Articles

Ever since news broke that Edward Snowden was the National Security Agency ‘leaker’ and fugitive, discussion has raged about his masculinity, including his sexuality.

Review – Afghanistan, Pakistan and Strategic Change

Wali Aslam • May 26 2014 • Features

Krause and Mallory’s edited collection correctly emphasizes that, despite the West’s long involvement in Afghanistan, a much better understanding is needed.

The Impact of Neoconservative Think Tanks on American Foreign Policy

Kubilay Yado Arin • May 26 2014 • Articles

Neoconservatives think tanks do not simply give neutral recommendations; they are policy entrepreneurs who have made a significant impact on American foreign policy.

Is the Saudi-U.S. Relationship “Broken”?

Anna Viden • May 9 2014 • Articles

Despite misalignment on certain crucial issues, the Saudi-U.S. strategic alliance is not “broken”. Most of the main pillars of the relationship are still relevant.

State-building and Fragility of Personality-dependent Political Order

Zubair Popalzai • May 7 2014 • Articles

There is a need for political imagination that goes beyond immediate security interests, political and military transitions, and reconciliation with insurgent groups.

Global Trade Politics and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Gabriel Siles-Brügge • May 5 2014 • Articles

Trade politics is no longer just about international trade; it is increasingly about how we regulate our economies domestically.

“Do as We Say, Not as We Do.” Perspective on the Ukrainian Crisis

Graham Kay • May 4 2014 • Articles

The main criticism on relations with Ukraine must fall on U.S. and Western foreign policy or, more precisely, the lack of one.

The Washington and Baghdad Relationship: Are the Allies in the Same Orbit?

Zana Khasraw Gulmohamad • Apr 12 2014 • Articles

Preserving a working relationship is a priority for both the US and Iraq despite both being on relatively different regional policy tracks.

Missile Defense Is Not the Answer to Putin’s Aggression

Azriel Bermant • Apr 3 2014 • Articles

The Republicans are right to call for stepped up action against Russia’s annexation of Crimea, but NATO’s missile defence system is not the answer to Moscow’s aggression.

Practical and Impractical Knowledge about the Conflict in Ukraine

Timo Kivimäki • Mar 27 2014 • Articles

The crisis in Ukraine suggests that our knowledge of conflicts needs to be informed by the way in which conflict behavior changes the conflict setting.

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