United States

Review – Buraimi: The Struggle for Power, Influence and Oil in Arabia

Tore T. Petersen • Mar 26 2014 • Features

Morton provides insight into the disputes of the South Eastern Arabian Peninsula, yet fails to provide an adequate understanding of US policy in the region.

American Exceptionalism: The Gender Factor

Bonnie Mann • Mar 23 2014 • Articles

To undo the conceit of American exceptionalism, we have to undo the power of sovereign masculinity and address the seduction it exercises across the political spectrum.

What the Crimean Crisis Reveals About the Tensions in American Foreign Policy

John Hickman • Mar 13 2014 • Articles

The Crimean Crisis has exposed the growing distance in opinions on US foreign policy between an aggressive elite and weary public. A serious backlash is possible.

Review – United States-Africa Security Relations

Kevin Dunn • Mar 11 2014 • Features

Kalu & Kieh’s edited collection presents a key understanding of where US-Africa relations should be going, instead of an adequate analysis of where they are now.

Revisiting ‘Responsibility to Protect’ after Libya and Syria

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Mar 8 2014 • Articles

R2P contains glaring theoretical drawbacks and its practice by Western powers creates the scope for a mix up of humanitarian concerns with their strategic interests.

Geopolitics or Delusions? The Dilemmas of American Policy in the Persian Gulf

Diego Pagliarulo • Mar 7 2014 • Articles

The political evolution of the Gulf, and for that matter of the whole Middle East, is something that policymakers in Washington can neither ignore nor control.

Russia, Ukraine, and the Testing of American Hegemony

Robert W. Murray and Luke M. Herrington • Mar 6 2014 • Articles

In response to Russia’s aggression in Crimea the US must take into account the strategic realities of the international system.

The Prospects for Improving U.S.-Cuban Relations

William M. LeoGrande • Mar 3 2014 • Articles

If President Obama can summon the courage to take bold steps, he could secure a place in history as the president who finally solved the riddle of Cuba.

The Failed State Paradigm: A Response to Mazarr

T.V. Paul • Mar 1 2014 • Articles

The US should not run away from weak states, but it must develop a new strategy in conjunction with other leading countries to help rebuild these states.

Review – Reporting at the Southern Borders

Jairo Lugo-Ocando • Feb 20 2014 • Features

Dell’Orto and Birchfeld provide unique and compelling insights into the uncertainty, dilemmas and challenges routinely faced by journalists when reporting on immigration.

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