United States

Iran, the Arab Street and Avoiding a Military Strike

Stephen Ellis • May 31 2013 • Articles

Iran’s influence on the Arab world is waning. The regime faces increasing domestic and international pressures, and is looking for a game changer. This is why a military strike on Iran must be avoided.

Enemy Wanted: Apply Without

David A. Welch • May 28 2013 • Articles

Huntington adopted his Clash of Civilizations thesis in the context of scholars attempting to make sense of the post-Cold War era. His thesis was not a prediction or a theory, it was a wish.

Review – Criminal Insurgencies in Mexico

Robert Bonner • May 28 2013 • Features

Robert J. Bunker’s wide ranging edited collection provides valuable insight into the activities of Mexican drug cartels and gangs – though the analysis is short on policy prescriptions.

John Kerry’s Pacific Dream

Zachary Keck • Apr 25 2013 • Articles

The Pacific Dream concept sought to advance two central U.S. foreign policy goals in the Asia-Pacific: expanding the scope of the U.S. pivot beyond defense, and isolating China without singling it out.

Mythic America in a Globalizing MythWorld: Political Dreams and Shadows

Francis A. Beer • Apr 20 2013 • Articles

American dreams and shadows are the good, the bad, and the ugly narratives of America. The dream is a myth of democracy, justice, and peace. The shadow sees a deep lie at the heart of the dream.

Towards a More Crowded Heavens?

Taylor Marvin • Apr 11 2013 • Articles

National space programs are tools states leverage for a variety of purposes, not expressions of an apolitical human urge to explore. Like nuclear weapons, crewed spaceflight programs remain widely perceived as a signifier of great power status.

Opportunity and Peril in the North Korean Standoff

Dan G. Cox • Apr 9 2013 • Articles

Most pundits have determined that Kim Jong Un has consolidated power and is now about to, irrationally, strike out against South Korea and her allies. But, what if this assumption is an error?

The Hegemony of the US Dollar

Luke Springthorpe • Apr 8 2013 • Articles

Important considerations – both governmental and financial – mean the end of the US dollar’s crucial role in the global financial system may not be as imminent as some are forecasting.

Understanding US Foreign Policy: It’s All About the Pinto Beans!

Matthew A. Hill • Mar 21 2013 • Articles

Are USAID’s beans the culturally neutral beans of the world? Do they ‘do no harm’? Or, are they grown in excessive numbers by US farmers?

It’s Time for a New Strategy for a New Nuclear Reality

Todd Robinson • Mar 20 2013 • Articles

The United States must begin to accept that a new nuclear reality is emerging and, with it, new challenges and opportunities necessitating a policy shift away from targeted discouragement.

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