United States

Gendered Bodies for the ‘Theatre of War’

Synne Laastad Dyvik • Nov 20 2013 • Articles

The disciplining of martial bodies through gender specific regulations tells us a great deal about the relationship between gender, sexuality, militarisation and warfare.

The US Rebalance Off-Balance: Missing the Party in Asia

Rosemary Foot • Nov 13 2013 • Articles

Perceptions of the US ability to sustain an Asia-Pacific presence matter. The security order suggests closer correspondence in power and influence between China and the US.

‘There’s a Soldier in All of Us’: Call of Duty’s Promotion of US Foreign Policy

Daniel Golebiewski • Nov 7 2013 • Articles

Video games like Call of Duty have a propaganda hidden in a message: to protect and promote post-9/11 US foreign policy and military strategy.

U.S Congress and Boko Haram

Caitlin Poling • Nov 6 2013 • Articles

It is imperative that Congress maintains its careful attention to the rise of Boko Haram and takes all steps in its power to prevent an attack on American interests abroad or the US Homeland.

Interview – William Blum

E-International Relations • Oct 25 2013 • Features

Author William Blum offers his thoughts on past CIA interventions, the Obama Administration, Osama bin Laden and explains how he became a ‘crazed, fanatical socialist’.

International Relations on Screen: Hollywood’s History of American Foreign Policy

Ian Scott • Oct 20 2013 • Articles

U.S. cinema’s dalliance with U.S. foreign policy started in 1897 when it was entangled with the audience’s own nationalist fervour. Today, nationalist fervour and international relations are alive and well in Hollywood.

Rent-a-Gob: Academics for Hire

Matthew A. Hill • Sep 26 2013 • Articles

Academics are constantly being asked to play white coated experts in the media, dispensing pearls of 20 second segmented wisdom about a particular issue. Whether or not what they say is intelligent is another matter.

Review – Anatomy of a Bad Idea: COIN Best Practices

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 24 2013 • Features

Nearly every question about how the U.S. Army came to be entangled in wars it knew better than to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan are answered by three excellent and complementary books.

Beyond Chemical Weapons Control: Securing a Ceasefire and Broadening the Diplomatic Agenda on Syria

Robert Mason • Sep 20 2013 • Articles

With diplomatic relations improving between the US and Russia, it is time to consider diplomacy-driven measures to achieve a UN Security Council Resolution that establishes a durable Syrian peace process.

The Duality of Syria: Civil War and The War on Terror

Sameera Khalfey • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

Finding a conclusion to the civil war and the ‘War on Terror’ is reliant upon fulfilling the will of the Syrian people without letting them fracture to the point of continuing civil unrest.

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