United States

Moral Outrage Necessitates Defining a Strategy for Syria

Robert G. Rabil • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

The Obama administration has to contextualize its potential strike in Syria by formulating its military objectives within a political framework that aims to stop the vicious mayhem engulfing Syria.

The Syrian Deadlock – Bashar al-Assad and Barak Obama’s Moment of Truth

Eyal Zisser • Sep 15 2013 • Articles

Bashar al-Assad may play his cards well and stay in power in Syria, however, the future of the Middle East – as well as the future of the Syrian campaign – is likely to be decided by Washington.

Civil-Military Relations In the U.S: What Needs to be Done?

Douglas Stuart • Sep 13 2013 • Articles

The current situation of the U.S. civil-military relationship has problematic aspects for parties on both sides. Through active dialogue between the two comunities these issues can be addressed.

Chemical Weapons, the Red Line and Beyond: Evidence and Intransigence over Syria

Ciaran Gillespie • Aug 30 2013 • Articles

Many argue international intervention in Syria is now a foregone conclusion but what purpose would this serve and what effect would it have on the conflict and civilians on the ground?

An Open Rebuttal to Gian Gentile’s Article on Counterinsurgency

Terry Tucker • Aug 20 2013 • Articles

Gian Gentile’s article on COIN ignores literature that weigh stability and combat operations equally. The key failure of COIN has been not understanding how to integrate the multiple levels required.

Counterinsurgency: The Graduate Level of War or Pure Hokum?

Gian Gentile • Aug 3 2013 • Articles

The US Army’s counterinsurgency manual calls COIN the “graduate level of war.” But, the idea that enlightened soldiers were required to win a war is hokum.

Review – Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times

Kurt Weyland • Jul 24 2013 • Features

In examining 25 years of Brazil’s foreign policy, Vigevani and Cepaluni skillfully employ lessons from the past to inform the course the state must take to outgrow, outcompete, and eventually overtake the U.S.

Kissinger at 90: Still a Force to Be Reckoned With?

Thomas A. Schwartz • Jul 10 2013 • Articles

Kissinger’s realism retains great value today, but the underlying beliefs in American exceptionalism which were used against him have not disappeared from American political life.

War in Syria: The Proxy Element

Paul Rogers • Jul 4 2013 • Articles

While there is a strong element of a proxy war behind the fighting in Syria, the forces and interests involved are best understood in terms of inter-state relations going back more than a decade.

The End of the War on Terror and the Future of US Public Diplomacy

Amelia Arsenault • Jul 2 2013 • Articles

It remains to be seen whether the end of the war on terror will impact conceptions of public diplomacy’s role as a central tool in the battle for ideas or as an essential part of diplomacy.

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