United States

The Obama Administration and the Israel Lobby

Jerome Slater • Jan 21 2013 • Articles

In light of Israeli expansion into Palestinian territories, it is clear that there is no chance for a peace settlement in the absence of sustained U.S. pressure on Israel – which is unlikely.

Santa Wars: Do We Really Need to Militarize Santa?

Colin Flint • Jan 10 2013 • Articles

NORAD’s website using US military surveillance technology to track Santa across the globe is an example of the pervasive manner in which all things military have become part of all things in US society.

The Importance of Women in the 2012 U.S. Elections

Kristi Andersen • Jan 10 2013 • Articles

Women candidates did extremely well in the 2012 election. In this era of political dysfunction in Washington, perhaps we can be forgiven for finding a small bit of optimism here.

Australia’s Economic and Security Dilemma: US or China?

Richard Zalski • Jan 6 2013 • Articles

To an external observer, it might seem like the US-Australian alliance is as strong as ever. However, if one looks deeper, rising discontent and disagreements are visible.

The Asian Century Crumbles

Devin Stewart • Dec 22 2012 • Articles

Kishore Mahbubani once said, “If you want to see the past, go to Europe. If you want to see the future, come to Asia.” That future has not arrived. Until a rival idea emerges, the present belongs to America and its universal values.

Review – The United States and the Global Economy

Jared A. Pincin • Dec 18 2012 • Features

In a thought provoking journey introducing his readers to the global economic structures of the Bretton Words era, Frederick Weaver assesses the sustainability of the current form of globalization.

US-Afghan-Pakistani Relations During Obama’s Second Term

Salih Dogan • Dec 10 2012 • Articles

The U.S. administration must get ready for negotiations and bring the neighboring countries -especially Iran and Pakistan- together and constitute a regional pact for the peaceful future of Afghanistan.

The Myth of George W. Bush’s Foreign Policy Revolution

Chin-Kuei Tsui • Dec 2 2012 • Articles

The dominant theme in the literature on the War on Terror is the assumption that the war and its discourses originated with the Bush administration. However, the War on Terror can actually be traced to earlier administrations, specifically those of Reagan and Clinton.

Review – The China Choice

Huw McKay • Nov 26 2012 • Features

No serious thinker on global and Asian regional security matters can afford to be ignorant of this book’s central thesis- America must make a choice very soon regarding China: to relinquish primacy to share power with China in a concert of Asia.

What the 2012 Elections Portend for the Future of the Republican Party

Iwan Morgan • Nov 22 2012 • Articles

To remain competitive the Republicans need to expand their appeal beyond their 2012 voter base, particularly in order to capture votes from women, young people and the Latino population.

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