United States

BAE/EADS Merger is a Mistake

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 27 2012 • Articles

BAE Systems is trying to tie up with Airbus’ parent, EADS, to create the world’s largest aerospace company. This merger may yield several problems for the airliner and defence industries.

The Republican Party and US Foreign Policy

Robert Singh • Sep 20 2012 • Articles

In a Romney administration few prominent realists would likely gain top decision-making posts. While erstwhile hawks, nationalists and neocons who do make it into positions of influence will likely be ‘captured by reality’.

The Causes of the New Space Race

Daryl Morini • Sep 17 2012 • Articles

The first space race was the start of a new era in human history, not its apogee. There is no guarantee that we will not repeat it. But if money is the sinews of war, this space race will be more formidable than the last.

The Meaning of Mars

Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz • Sep 15 2012 • Articles

The idea of a new space race is unlikely to become a reality. Why in the globalization era should nations cooperate to get to Mars? Perhaps the most pragmatic reason is because none of them will be able to afford it alone.

Still Exchanging? The History, Relevance, and Effect of International Exchange Programs

Giles Scott-Smith • Sep 14 2012 • Articles

In an era of increasing international tensions over issues such as territory, natural resources and wealth distribution, exchange programs enhance cross-border understanding.

Humanitarian Intervention and Geo-Politics: A Complicated Confluence

Amos N Guiora • Sep 11 2012 • Articles

The complicated confluence of humanitarian intervention and geo-political considerations require the Obama Administration to articulate and implement consistent, well thought through principles and values in Syria.

The Importance of the Straits of Malacca

Robert Potter • Sep 7 2012 • Articles

The vast majority of China’s oil imports pass through the Straits of Malacca. This creates a security issue for China as the Straits function as a strategic chokepoint through which their energy supply must pass.

Foreign Policy and the 2012 Presidential Election: Divergent Visions for the Future

Michael F. Cairo • Sep 6 2012 • Articles

Foreign policy matters in this presidential election. President Obama has offered an approach to American foreign policy that rejects the policy of the George W. Bush administration, while Governor Romney is likely to offer an updated version of it.

Targeted Killing: The Limits of Power

Amos N Guiora • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

Targeted killing is a legal, legitimate and effective form of active self-defense provided it is conducted in accordance with international law, morality and a narrow definition of legitimate target.

Nuclear Disaster in Taiwan: An Ignored Factor in the US-China Relationship

Shang-su Wu • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

A major incident at any nuclear power plant in Taiwan could quite possibly lead, in a worst-case scenario, to a failed state. This could open up space for China and the US to compete in the ensuing political vacuum.

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