United States

Baghdad’s Security Cooperation Dilemma: Military Assistance to Iraq in 2012 and Beyond

Oleg Svet • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Washington’s best long-term strategy in Iraq is to seek economic, political, and security cooperation while recognizing the difficulties in Baghdad, as Iraqi policymakers attempt to rebuild a country caught up in a larger geopolitical tug-of-war.

Will the U.S. be Overtaken by China In Space?

Bertrand de Montluc • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Will Chinese taikonauts land on the moon in 2020? Given such broad Chinese efforts in developing space technology, China could surpass the US in the coming decade.

US Intervention in the “Arab Spring”

Asad AbuKhalil • Aug 28 2012 • Articles

US intervention in the Arab world is still predicated on the same foundations that determined the courses of US foreign policy during the Cold War. With the Arab Spring, US intervention is likely to continue and expand.

The IMF and American Power

Andrea Lagna • Aug 9 2012 • Articles

The IMF is ‘in trouble’ because it does not represent a place for collective action nor of universality. Rather, it constitutes an executive agent of American power and its global projections vis-à-vis other economies.

Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Different From George W. Bush’s?

Peter Feaver and Ionut Popescu • Aug 3 2012 • Articles

Obama’s successes have come when he has followed the policies of the Bush administration. His failures have come when he has attempted to implement his own initiatives.

Review – The Counter-Counter Insurgency Manual

James Hevia • Aug 3 2012 • Features

This book opposes the militarization of anthropology, and views the US army’s effort to enlist anthropologists as fieldworkers as ethically repugnant.

Review – Border Walls

Karthika Sasikumar • Aug 1 2012 • Features

With imagination and erudition, Jones investigates the fundamental tensions between democratic ideals and the brute realities of the enforcement of state power on the ground.

Israel and the United States: Facing Dramatic Decisions

Zaki Shalom • Aug 1 2012 • Articles

The Obama administration must understand that an Israeli military operation against Iran is liable to drag the United States into the battlefield against its will.

Review – Confront and Conceal

Andrew J. Gawthorpe • Jul 26 2012 • Features

Those wishing to understand the limitations of American power and how difficult the foreign policy-making process will be in an age of austerity should consult this first draft of history.

Reframing Interests and Policies in the Middle East: Lessons from the Arab Spring

Benedetta Berti and Yoel Guzansky • Jul 22 2012 • Articles

Turning a blind eye to human rights violations and despotism is not just morally questionable, its not in the national interest.

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