United States


Harvey M. Sapolsky • Dec 26 2011 • Articles

The US presidential election is more than ten months off and it is going to be, to borrow a phrase from the unloved Donald Rumsfeld, a long, hard slog to get there. The Republican nominee is yet to emerge from the messy competition that began months ago and seems likely to stretch on for months more.

American Exceptionalism, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the 2012 Presidential Campaign

Jason A. Edwards • Dec 10 2011 • Articles

The debate over American exceptionalism has only just begun. It appears to be at its apex during times of anxiety and crisis within the American polity. Hence, the current state of affairs in America makes the 2012 election season such a juncture.

Tea with Madam Secretary, Part I

Matthew A. Hill • Dec 9 2011 • Articles

My most recent interview was with Madeleine Albright, the US foreign policy practitioner and policy-maker, the women’s rights implementer in foreign policy during her time as a US Ambassador to the UN and as Secretary of State, the daughter of a Czechoslovak dissident who was a recipient of US support during WWII and the Cold War, and finally as the academic examining foreign policy.

Memogate Reveals Pakistan’s Hand

Mickey Kupecz • Nov 30 2011 • Articles

Memogate reveals that Pakistan’s politics is as dysfunctional as ever. American policymakers and pundits have become so vehement about Pakistan’s failure to cooperate on counterterrorism that more pressing problems in the country have been overlooked.

Is al Qaeda on the Wrong Side of History?

Rohan Gunaratna • Nov 15 2011 • Articles

The Arab Spring’s impact on the Global Jihad Movement is ironic. Al Qaeda, its associated groups and home-grown cells are no longer the agents of change. In the eyes of the people, this most powerful grouping of violent entities remains marginalized.


Harvey M. Sapolsky • Nov 13 2011 • Articles

The American public is tired of war. Soon there will be no US forces in Iraq and the scheduled drawdown of troops in Afghanistan is being accelerated. In both cases American field commanders objected to the withdrawals, hoping to preserve tenuously held gains in those conflicts by retaining on site American combat capabilities.

Review – Democracy Promotion and Conflict-based Reconstruction

Louie Woodall • Oct 23 2011 • Features

Matthew A. Hill’s survey of America’s democratisation missions takes the reader on a journey through the horrors of post-conflict states, the cut-and-thrust of policy debate and the ever evolving idea of democracy. It will prove a valuable resource to any student or researcher seeking an understanding of the current situations in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.


Harvey M. Sapolsky • Oct 14 2011 • Articles

I prefer to call it Restraint, but let’s be clear, by whatever label America is pulling back. The oceans are big and protect America from much of the world’s turmoil. Being on American side of them is cheaper than being on the other side and wiser too. America is coming home thanks to the government’s budget deficit.

Review – “A Problem From Hell”: America and the Age of Genocide

Chris McCarthy • Oct 8 2011 • Features

In this damning indictment of American indifference to humanitarian crises, journalist and academic Samantha Power refutes the arguments that US leaders were either unaware of genocidal horrors in the Twentieth Century or unable to stop them. Instead, the majority of American leaders knowingly did nothing as millions suffered.

Harsh Realities, Alliances, and Strategic Ambiguity: US Policy Choices in East Asia

Harry Kazianis • Sep 23 2011 • Articles

Recent developments in the South China Sea and China’s emphasis on the modernization of its military raise important issues for the future of U.S. strategic manoeuvring in the region. What can be done to sustain future U.S. presence in Asia while tactfully maintaining a favourable position for its interests and the stability in the region?

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