United States

Opinion – US Carbon Border Mechanism in the Twilight Zone

Ann-Evelyn Luyten • Dec 7 2021 • Articles

The US and the EU can cooperate closely to address carbon leakage and create a momentum in significantly reducing carbon emission.

Opinion – Irish-American Diplomacy and the Catholic Orphanage Scandal

Martin Duffy • Nov 21 2021 • Articles

That Irish-American diplomacy contributed to an elaborate network of child adoption casts a dark shadow over what is otherwise hailed as a formative period in the relationship between the two nations.

Opinion – The Status of China’s Confucius Institutes in American Universities

Craig R. Myers • Oct 27 2021 • Articles

Regardless of the context, the PRC’s PR professionals did not need an office on American campuses as Great Power competition moves beyond the soft power stage.

Opinion – China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Pragmatism over Morals?

Tabita Rosendal • Oct 18 2021 • Articles

Despite criticism, the Belt and Road Initiative and the pragmatic values associated with Chinese investments are unlikely to lose popularity any time soon.

Opinion – US Artillery: Crusader is Out, What is Next?

Robert Palmer • Sep 23 2021 • Articles

War is not simply about having the biggest gun, it’s about having the right gun. It is likely that the US army will resort to howitzers more similar to French artillery in the near future.

Explaining Bipartisan Support for the US Innovation and Competition Act

Benjamin Smith • Sep 17 2021 • Articles

The ICA received bipartisan support due to both parties perceiving China’s authoritarianism similarly. Yet, partisanship remained active throughout negotiations.

Anarchy and Occupation: The US in the Mexican-American War and in Afghanistan

Ricardo Jasso • Sep 9 2021 • Articles

The lack of domination structures through which imperial or state power can be exerted strains, and renders futile, the capabilities of the occupying force.

No Clear Winner, One Clear Loser in Afghanistan

Gabriel Honrada and Daniyal Ranjbar • Aug 25 2021 • Articles

The Afghanistan conflict has provided the necessary dynamics of instability without stable institutions, making it an inviting strategic space for competing parties.

Will China-US Great Power Competition Lead to War? A Thomistic Perspective

Andrew Latham • Aug 12 2021 • Articles

It is reasonable to expect that China will intensify its strategic campaign to displace the US in the Indo-Pacific and as the hegemonic power on the world stage.

Analyzing Views of the Ease of Legal Immigration from Mexico into the US

Different perspectives between Americans and Mexicans on legal pathways into the U.S. affect the development of cohesive immigration reform.

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