United States

Gendered Border Practices and Violence at the United States-Mexico Border

Mitxy Meneses Gutierrez • Jul 2 2021 • Articles

Aggressive gendered border practices and violence have been part of the construction of the US-Mexico border as women’s bodies and sexual identity shape today’s border policies.

Unaccompanied Children on the Move: From Central America to the US via Mexico

Monica Trigos Padilla • Jun 27 2021 • Articles

The social, economic and political environment that surrounds unaccompanied minors determines their decision to look for a better future far from their home.

Transnational Governance as a Framework for Migration Control

Alma Stankovic • Jun 23 2021 • Articles

Core countries, those receiving immigrants, tend to be the ones setting the rules not just when it comes to their own immigration laws, but also laws and policies affecting their neighbors.

English with a Non-Native Accent as a Basis for Stigma and Discrimination in the US

Meltem Yilmaz Sener • Jun 23 2021 • Articles

Non-native accent discrimination is not usually considered discrimination by the US public, leading to large gaps in social research.

Women for Profit – Seeking Asylum in the United States: A Neocolonial Story

Sara Riva • Jun 14 2021 • Articles

Through neoliberal processes, women who seek asylum are subject to exploitation both in their countries of origin and once they reach their destinations.

Opinion – China and the US in Israel: The Lucrative Versus the Indispensable?

Nicholas Lyall and Roie Yellinek • May 27 2021 • Articles

The economic value of Israel’s Chinese links are not sufficient to match the comprehensive nature of the US-Israeli partnership.

America’s Re-Engagement with the World and the Continued Importance of Diplomacy

Alastair Masser and Claire Yorke • Apr 22 2021 • Articles

For America’s diplomatic renaissance to succeed, it needs a more cooperative and open approach to the world.

Opinion – The US-Japan Alliance Continues to Stand for Democracy, Despite a Role Reversal

Tongfi Kim • Apr 18 2021 • Articles

Tokyo and Washington must voice consistent advocacy of democracy and show the multifaceted power of a democratic alliance.

Review – 50 Years of US Study Abroad Students: Japan as the Gateway to Asia and Beyond

Eriks Varpahovskis • Mar 27 2021 • Features

Asada provides an in-depth analysis, deepening our understanding of student exchanges as a tool of knowledge diplomacy.

The Significance of the Iran Hostage Crisis for International Dispute Settlement

Coline Ferrant • Feb 24 2021 • Articles

In 1979, Iranian students took 52 Americans hostage, resulting in a crisis in which Iran and the US resorted to international law and justice to find solutions.

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