
Review – The Right in Latin America

John Polga-Hecimovich • Oct 16 2016 • Features

While its methodological shortcomings may raise the ire of some political scientists, this book is still ultimately a novel account of elite power in Latin America.

Review – Neoliberal Hegemony and the Pink Tide in Latin America

Laurence Goodchild • Aug 4 2015 • Features

Rooted in a stimulating neo-Gramscian framework, Chodor’s analysis eschews generalizations and puts forward a compelling case for how the pink tide should be understood.

A Non-Violent Conflict: The Venezuela-Guyana Dispute

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jul 21 2015 • Articles

Warfare may not come, but it is clear that inter-state disputes among the two countries over territory and resources will not end anytime soon.

Oil Prices, OPEC, and Oil Crisis: Collateral Damage in a Greater Game

Ashay Abbhi • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

With oil prices tumbling downward some are rejoicing, but by refusing to cut production OPEC has jeopardised the economy of some of its member states.

Oil and Protests in Venezuela

Fabiana Perera • May 12 2014 • Articles

While oil does not seem to be contributing domestically to Maduro’s staying in power, it is providing important leverage internationally that allows him to carry on.

Opposition in Bolivarian Venezuela: Caught Between Conflict and Compromise

Barry Cannon • Apr 8 2014 • Articles

The Venezuelan opposition has undergone important changes in an institutionalist direction in its composition, discursive emphasis, and strategic direction.

Venezuela in the Firing Line of Threats to Democratic Stability in Latin America

Resistance to Hugo Chavez’s agenda obscures the fact that the system he upended did not reflect popular yearnings for economic prosperity, social justice, and democracy.

Crisis in Venezuela: Will Anybody Support Democracy?

Nicolas Falomir Lockhart • Mar 24 2014 • Articles

While polarisation in society and government has led to unsustainable social fracture, a lack of regional support suggests Venezuelan democracy has been left on its own.

Venezuela and Oil Diplomacy: The End of the Road for Petrocaribe?

Peter Clegg • Sep 12 2013 • Articles

There has been a concerted effort in post-Chavez Venezuela to reaffirm its commitment to Petrocaribe. However, Venezuela’s economic problems could undermine official policy.

The Lightning Impeachment of Paraguay’s President Lugo

Peter Lambert • Aug 9 2012 • Articles

The decision by the Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies to impeach President Fernando Lugo revealed the major fault lines of Paraguay’s transition to democracy. It was a political crisis waiting to happen.

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