Water issues are more effectively analyzed at the local and sub-state levels rather than through inter-state frameworks.
Northern Ireland remains vulnerable to exploitation by corporate interests and governmental neglect which sacrifices public health and environmental integrity for financial gain.
Rising demand for water amid Iraq’s soaring population has put significant pressure on already limited resources.
Environmental issues are interlinked with social and political struggles across the region, and water and food security are areas in which countries have common interests.
Sherri Goodman discusses climate change as a national security threat, water security, the Arctic, her career with the US Government and gives her advice to young scholars.
Houchang Chehabi elaborates on why Iran’s single biggest crisis is its drought, its impact on agricultural centers, as well as its implications on geopolitics.
Water has now become a most sought after commodity, one that countries have displayed a renewed interest in and with an increasing amount of threat-of-force.
The reallocation of water regularly leads to a redistribution of the benefits that it provides, provoking community action. It is here we find our debated water wars.
Axioms relate to variability and uncertainty of river flow, the main drivers for countries’ defection from agreements or choice for non-cooperation in the first place
It seems that there is an inverse relationship between water and energy security, but is this scenario real or imagined? Although it is only one step, the incorporation of the water-energy nexus into the Rio+20 agenda would help to improve our understanding of sustainability.
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