
Interview – Chantelle Lewis

E-International Relations • Oct 21 2019 • Features

Chantelle Lewis discusses the importance of Black History Month, the effects of Brexit on people of colour, her PhD and the representation of Black students in academia.

Beyond Attitudes: Russian Xenophobia as a Political Legitimation Tool

Marina A. Kingsbury • Apr 30 2017 • Articles

Complex historical, political and social events shape up patterns of xenophobia and how xenophobia is used as a political legitimation tool in Russia.

Review – Russia and the Idea of Europe

Maureen Perrie • Mar 9 2017 • Features

Neumann’s book provides a well informed survey of Russian intellectual history over the last two centuries and stimulating insights into Russians’ perceptions of Europe.

Migration and State-making: Explaining Xenophobia in South Africa

Peter Vale • Jul 23 2008 • Articles

What has become of the idea of the Rainbow Nation, the triumphant trope broadcast by the irrepressible Nobel Laureate, Desmond Tutu, and in which all the country’s people, under Nelson Mandela, rejoiced?

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