Lucy Corkin talks to us about Chinese investment in Africa and the relationship more broadly, the fintech revolution in Africa and the impact on traditional banking.
By behaving as actors in the international arena, subnational units have been able to establish a new route to tackle challenges concerning integration of refugees.
Scholars should not be penalized for a lack of solutions in achieving peace since they are not expected to solve global crises and their work can aid in creating peace.
Geopolitical developments and changes to the international system constitute the major challenges facing the European Union in the future.
Paulo Ravecca’s original and innovative book reflects on the state of the discipline of political science in Latin America via the deconstruction of hegemonic visions.
Brazil over-expanded considerably in the first decades of the 21st century in a process that was fuelled by domestic interest groups as well as a myth of multipolarity.
Amy Niang considers how Africa features in the history of the international, the postcolonial state and sovereignty, and the conflict in the Central African Republic.
Ilias Kouskouvelis’ latest book provides a meticulous content analysis of Thucydides’ work, which focuses on choice and decision-making in relation to war and peace.
Neoliberal capitalism is reproduced by discourse of ethical consumption as a global-corporate and individualised conflation of the economic and social spheres.
Anne-Kathrin Kreft talks about the discourse and perceptions around conflict-related sexual violence and reflects on the affects of sensitive fieldwork on researchers.
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